
On windows Vista, what file in the windows folder on the hard drive has all the objects and designs in Vista?

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Objects like the Vista Orb (start button), those arrows before the options when you push control-alt-delete, and the arrow or plus sign you get on the file's icon when you drag a file over a different location.




  1. They are all packed into the system files. You can get them out of the explorer.exe file generally. A tool called resource hacker can get them out.

    I know it works well for Windows XP I have never tried for Vista but it couldnt really hurt to try.

  2. They are normally packed into system files and extracted as needed (ie. shell.dll although in Vista this has changed I think it's now a file called "imageres.dll )

    You can get programs to extract them, but if you search you can find most icons/graphics on the net.

    ie: Orbs here:

    Or, google imageres.dll and icon extraction - there's plenty of forums and tips on how to do this.

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