
On yahoo 360 I have sent invites to someone and they didnt recieve the invite. Why is this?

by  |  earlier

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The person tried to send me an invite but I didnt recieve it. There is no ignores turned on and allow invites from everyone on 360 is checked also. Any ideas would help.




  1. The reason you are having so many problems with your 360 account is ..

    We are losing our Yahoo 360 accounts very soon according to the Yahoo product blog you can access by going to this link:

    There are many problems that will not be fixed by Yahoo on the 360, and they are getting worse each passing day.

    I urge you to go to the product blog and read the information for the last three postings by yahoo about all of the changes that are coming to us soon.

  2. If invitations were working fine before and suddenly they're not working, plus you haven't made any setting changes — the problem is likely a 360 glitch. You'll have to wait this out and hope that it's "magically" resolved soon. Usually these missed messages (in this case, invitations) are burped up by Yahoo servers eventually.

    I say magically because the Y!360 team is no longer addressing bug reports, as it prepares to launch a new social-networking system in the second half of 2008. See for more details. The 360 team blog is also accessible via the "Yahoo! 360 News" link in the upper right corner of your 360 space.

    People could be experiencing a glitch that happened at the end of last year and the beginning of this year, where the Top Page comments and Mailbox only worked during certain times of the day. 360 testimonials, invitations and messages are received in the Mailbox. It would be up to each person to check throughout the day to see if the mailbox is working correctly at any point in time.

    For more on 360 glitches, see

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