
On yahoo chess if a pawn checks my king En passant I can't take En passant?

by Guest63252  |  earlier

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It a bug in the chess program on yahoo




  1. I'm not sure that I understand the question.  For a pawn to check your king En passant your king would have to be up 3 rows from where it started.  You wouldn't be able to take back En passant because the proper situation doesn't exist.

  2. Hi,

         You may like to visit my personal chess web page - link below?  Click on 'E' in the lexicon and then scroll down to 'EN PASSANT'.  I hope this may be helpful for you.  You can also PRINT any orthodox chess set & board in the world for free!

  3. You're right.  I've noticed this bug too.  It's pretty sloppy programming by Yahoo.

    Amendment:  ACS, the situation being described arises when a King is placed in check via a pawn move that allows an en passant capture.  Normally Yahoo handles the en passant capture rule correctly, but for some reason it makes a difference that the move which triggers the en passant rule also puts the opposing King in check.  Even if the en passant capture would get the King out of check, Yahoo does not allow one to make the capture.  You are right that this is a relatively rare situation, but it is most aggravating that Yahoo can't get the programming right.

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