
Once A Cocaine Addict - Always A Cocaine Addict?

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I met a guy who is in a 12-step program. The thing is, he has identified his problem, and his need to change his old habits. I assume this is good.

But truthfully, how many people have fully ever kicked the habit? If so, I'd like to hear those stories




  1. Sure, addiction is part of the personality,

    and he very well CAN kick the habit,

    and replace it with something else.

    But, that doesn't mean it has to be a bad habit

    he's replacing it with.

  2. My husband had an addiction back in college. He fully kicked off that habbit and is 100% sober and a great husband and father. It all depends how much that person really wants to change and have a better life. Good luck and I hope make the right decision.

    If you need any more info feel free to email me :D

  3. I know one,who appears totally cured,he was a Doctor tho! A much nicer person altogether now,and is married (not that that is any indicator of anything)with a lovely Daughter.His Wife is really down to earth and non-judgemental.I'm sure she saved him to be honest.

  4. addiction is part of the personality, it never goes away.  while he may kick the drug habit, he will undoubtedly find something else to replace it.

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