
Once Again, Fish Problems?

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My Past Questions Have Been About My Pregnant Fish [[I Hope]]

And Wether She's Diesesed

Here's What She Looks Like Now:

[[does she look pregnant??]]

[[if you can see the white/clear strip, is it a diesese??]]

Please Give Me A Reasonable Answer...I'm Worried

And Don't Want Her To Die

Is Something Wrong??

Is She Pregnant??

IF She IS Pregnant Do I NEED A Breeders Net??

[[Cuz I Have Seven Baby Fish And I Didn't Know The Fish Was Pregnant]]




  1. I read through some of your other questions.  That definitely is a female.  See the back fin on her belly, the one closest to her tail?  In a female, it's triangle shaped, like that.  In a male, it's tube shaped, usually pointing towards the tail, it's called the gonopodium.  That's how you tell the s*x in livebeares-mollies, platies, guppies, swordtails,etc.

    Your catfish that was "sleeping", wasn't sleeping.  When the gills aren't moving, they're dead.  Sorry....but even if a fish is sleeping, when you try to net them or disturb them, they will move away, or at least move some how.  

    Now, it's been my experiences, with darker colored fish when they get fatter, they color tends to fade a bit-because the skin is being stretched.  That doesn't look like the case with your fish though.  The stripe only appears to be on one side for now correct?  Awhile back I bought a few fish, and foolishly didn't quarantine them in a separate tank for a few weeks, like I should've.  They ended up having a nasty strain of columnaris-a bacterial infection.  The strain mine had, the fish developed a white area in their middle section, looked like a saddle(that's why it's also called saddle back disease).  The whitish area progressed on the fish rapidly(within hours), and from the time they showed symptoms(the white mark) till they died was about 12 hours.  I lost half of my tank, most of the fish I'd had for several years.  I'm not saying that's what you're dealing with, but it's a possibility-especially if you have added anything new to the tank recently.  Or, it could just very well be it was present all along, and maybe your water quality isn't up to par, and it was enough to stress the fish enough to cause this to pop up.  It's just hard to say, especially with no mention of other symptoms.  Here's a few links on that, it has a wide range of symptoms:

    If you can, it would probably be best to isolate her-especially if none of the other fish are showing any symptoms at this point, just in case it is something like that.  Keep an eye on her for other symptoms like mentioned in those links, but especially fin/tail rot, if the white gets larger or spreads, for shimmying behavior, etc.  If other symptoms do start to develop, ideally, a round of Maracyn Two or tetracycline should be started then, not sure if you can afford that or if you're parents will buy that for you.  

    She definitely looks like she's full of fry.  Her belly is big, and it's just a common thing for them anyway.  I would recommend not going with a breeders net.  Those just stress the fish out, and she could end up losing all the fry.  Your better off using a separate tank, or adding lots of hiding places-java moss is great for them.  

    Also, I would recommend picking up a good test kit, you want an ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate test kit, and the liquid dropper kits are better but also a bit more expensive.  You can't tell the water quality but looking at how clear the water is.  Ammonia and nitrites should be at 0 ppm, nitrates under 20 ppm.  And none of those will show up just by looking at the water.  Good luck.

  2. Cute black female molly. Congratulation, it's pregnant now

    I see that your molly has a white strip on its body, however, the picture is blur.

    We don't know exactly it has skin-disease or not, but try to keep your fish in fresh water. In case the white strip become larger and spread over the rest of its body, try kind of fish medicine to cure its sickness. (You can buy medicine at fishshop, and ask for the usage)

    This femalt molly should be in breeder net, and I think it's still ok to put 1 male stay with her to make sure 100% eggs will be fertilized.

    Hope your fish doing well

  3. Well the pictures are quiet blurry so here's some links that would help you diagnose the fish.

  4. Well, it looks like your fish is a balloon mollie? is that correct? if so, I have found those hard to tell if they are pregnant. As for the white stripe, its hard to see it clearly in the picture, perhaps it is some sort of fungus?

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