
Once Fatah defeats Hamas, do you think the US will stop supporting and funding them?

by  |  earlier

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Kinda like what happened with Afghanistan during the Afghan-Soviet war in the 80's?




  1. If I only had the "power" ....

    No one should be funded with the taxpayer dollars.

  2. The U.S.A. should not be funding them.

  3. It may happen like that. I personally do not believe that there is anything wrong with supporting the "enemy of my enemy". It keeps them occupied; if they are killing each other they are not lkilling us.

    We are not giving them money because we love them and they are not taking it because they love us.

    It is a business relationship that everyone wins.

  4. Palestinians should find their own means for self support if they mean serious business in getting and retaining genuine freedom. All props from outside are loaded against  them and should be rejected with thanks.

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