
Once I was told Taco Bell was one grade below dog meat. Any truth to that?

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Once I was told Taco Bell was one grade below dog meat. Any truth to that?




  1. i hope not

  2. Taco smell, even my dog won't eat that c**p

  3. When I was in high school, I heard that they found Alpo cans in the dumpster behind Taco Bell and it turned out they were indeed feeding dog food to their customers.  Now how true do you think that really is?

  4. ive always heard this too.

    but i always get chicken or steak, so its ok.

  5. no they checked all of its foood. they are clean. and plus dog meat stinks and taco bell is good in spelling and eating.

  6. someone told me that too! so I get everything chicken or steak now....just to be sure....

  7. Goodness!! I surely hope not... =P

  8. I've heard it called Toxic h**l but I've not heard that. They do have a lot of freeze dried foods that are re hydrated before cooking.

  9. who's probably just a myth

  10. this rumor is I think somewhat untrue but still true enough.

    I once had a pice of metal in my taco slop, it was in my mouth and I went to the manager, he told me I got free nachos, so I never complained again.

  11. the meat is sanitary and graded by USDA as good meat. However it isn't ground sirloin or ground chuck like you get at Kroger's to make home made tacos. their meat is whatever part of the cow that gets grounded besides bone and some organs. there are beef hearts and all kinds of stuff in there. which is similar ingredients to dog food or Bologna(but bologna is made with pork and chicken)

  12. That might have been a personal judgment call.  I personally hate Taco Bell (and it upsets my stomach too).  But since I live in an area that has actual Mexican taquarias, I can have something closer to the real thing.

  13. If you eat cow and chicken, then what's wrong with dog?

  14. pretty bad when you cant beat dog meat

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