
Once John McCain becomes the next president come nov by a landslide what will spock ears obama do?

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i hear you have to give up your seat in the senate to run for president! so what will he do go back to Rev Wright yea right and beg for forgiveness or go to work again for Resco the slum lord who got him started in the beginning?




  1. in your dreams

  2. Is this your way to get us to vote for McCain?  Sorry, it didn't work.

  3. Give a nice general election fist bump.

  4. There you go, Obama won't lose, so take your soccer mom and the old man and do what you wish with them, but they won't win

  5. Sorry your candidate is losing.

    Denial is sad.

  6. You hear incorrectly. He does not have to give up his seat, he can return to the senate if he loses the race.

    He doesn't have Spock ears - they are not pointed like Spock's. He has "jug ears".

  7. you don't have to give up your senate seat when you run for president, genius.

    and his ears? really? that's your best shot?


  8. Good point.

  9. he'll demand a recount and then still lose. Then he'll make up some big lie and go around the country trying to scare people to believe the lie by making speeches and presentations.

  10. There will be a big celebration at Disney's Fantasy Land, you, Dumbo, Goofy, Minnie, Mickey, Uncle Scrooge and Tom Delay will be there to to pick up the bill with stolen tax dollars. They will all have some of McCain birthday cake and his secret recipe crazy punch. Keep in mind, this is only happening in Fancy Land. In the real world, John Mccain will be on his way back to the old folks home, never to be heard from again except as an American political footnote.

  11. seems to me that their are personal issues here.

    we can't afford john mccain in the White House for 4 seconds...not to mention 4 years

    Obama/Biden 08

  12. he wont need to go back to senate because he will be the president.


  13. Swing and a miss, you do NOT have to give up your senate seat unless you are up for reelection in the Senate. Obama is not. Thats why John Kerry is still in the senate. If you are so naive to believe this then you shouldn't be talking about politics unless you actually understand whats going on.

    And I am NOT an Obama supporter, I just hate stupid people.


  15. ha!  Wishful thinking on your part!  Obama will win.  How can you actually think McCain will win, much less by a landslide!  HA!LOL

  16. McCain? He's the one that makes those oven chips isn't he?

  17. You conservatives are so cute!  Poking fun of us ignorant libs, and look, you call Obama "Spock Ears."

    I guess it was your turn to toss around the sand in the sand box.


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