
Once Smackdown leaves the CW, will that officially be the worst channel on television?

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I mean, we've all seen the commercials for the other shows.




  1. unless you want to see 90210 then no there will be no reason for me to watch the CW

  2. h**l ha

  3. No. the second worst channel. The worst has, and will always be the Fox "NEWS" channel

  4. Probally not, because a  lot of people still watch that even if it switches channels.

  5. It will officially be the channel for young women. Think of it as a younger version of the Lifetime Channel.

  6. As far as broadcast channels id say CW is the worst network. If you want to include cable, id have to say CNN. CNN cant even come close to the personalities and shows Fox puts out. They're pretty much a second weather channel, because all i ever hear about is droughts in arizona, hurricanes in europe, and tropical storms in the gulf. How about some news or intelligent debates?

  7. I still like Smallville and Supernatural but yeah, every other channel has like 5 or 6 shows that I like to watch.  I think the title will still be held by PBS, I mean their top show is Antiques Roadshow or something so I vote them as worst channel.

  8. ya

  9. that is a channel for chicks.

    sometimes i watch 2 and a half men though

  10. The only thing I watch on CW is The Simpsons, Smackdown, and Everybody Hates Chris (re-runs) and I barely get to see any of the shows I just named

  11. No.  They still have some good programming.

  12. Yes!Other than Supernatural,I wont even have a reason to watch that channel anymore.I mean,look at the shows they have.Another Beverly Hills 90210? cant replace the original.And the other shows they have are just a bunch of worthless teen dramas.I think they made a big mistake letting smackdown go.I hope their network tanks,lol..

  13. No! The CW has some awesome shows like One Tree Hill, Supernatural, and ANTM

  14. Yes. Their shows coming out this fall look awful and they have gotten rid of all their good shows.  

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