
Once The Chosen One has been installed on his throne in the White House when will all of the following happen?

by  |  earlier

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- people of all faiths and backgrounds will love one another unconditionally,

- the price of energy will drop by 75%,

- China & Russia will clean up their acts,

- al-Qaeda will admit that they've been acting crazy & go into the social welfare business,

- Robert Mugabe will return his stolen billions & receive forgiveness from the Zimbabwean people,

- Iran will admit that the sole purpose of their nuclear program has been to produce nuclear weapons to use against Israel,

- Kim Jong-Il will move to South Korea & marry a movie star(!),

- global warming will cease to be a reality, and

- everyone will have all the free healthcare they can eat.

Remember, THAT'S just the abbreviated list! I could've listed Darfur, the hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica, educational quality, Congressional morons, the price of milk, & a WHOLE LOTTA other important issues that will cease to be once The Chosen One is installed on his throne in the White House but I'm outta space!!!




  1. Drinking the fluoride in the water and  Aspartame in soda as a sweetener has deranged your brain cells more then most . Please detox your self and awaken to the truth .

  2. I hope he stops dorky chicks from posting photos of eighties p**n stars as their avatar.

  3. Great list.. great question... my answer.. Oh, I am sure all will come to pass immediately.. He being who He is and all.. the chosen one..

    ha ha ha ha .. best laugh I've had all day.. thanks.. Star for you!

  4. It might help for you to come back to reality instead of making things up.

  5. I have no idea! But I love your picture, and I have night dreams about you!!!

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