
Once a child gets involved, Is it too late to make a change?

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my child gets so attach to my boyfriend because I bring him into my child's' lives from the begining of our dating. I should realize the relationship might be not works and I am the one should protect my child. Should I date him without my child from now on until there is a commitment establish or It is too late to do so.




  1. Its always been my belief that you dont bring every guy home. You let the guy know about you child of course, but children get attached so fast and the nyou are left with a kid who is confused by who mommy is really with. Its hard enough having a child wonder why mommy and daddy are not together, dont add more problems

  2. h**l NO YOUR CHILD SHOULD COME FIRST NO MATTER WHAT just hang on if he really wants you he would respect you as you and as a mother

  3. I waited 1 year to introduce my daughter to my now Fiancee and father of my son. I wanted to make sure this was a for sure thing. I also did not want my daughter growing up thinking it was okay for a woman to switch boyfriends like you change your clothes.  

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