
Once again I'm turning to yahoo answers for advice on an important life decision.?

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Basically I need to decide between two different schools; but really the decision is much more than that...

i can go to Johnson and Wales or the Art Institute (AI)

the difference between the two is at Johnson and Whales I'll get the very best culinary education i could possibly get, from the very best teachers.

And at AI ill get a a MUCH smaller cost of course.

Now most people would say "Shoot for the stars go to J+W..go to school in the day and work at night....its worth it!"

But personally I'm not sure it is. I am not a very future oriented person, I cant even see myself 4 years into the my mind its like I'm going to die still going to that school..class all day, work all night....and that thought doesn't really sit well with me...

Going to AI i could finish in two years, without having to work unless i want to. I'm not really aiming to be a Top Chef, so would I really need a Top Chef degree? Right now in my life I'm only aiming to get by.

so question is...Should I go with what feels right with me right now (AI)

or go to J+W and be completely goin' against my mind (love that song BTW..if you havent heard it maybe you should :P)(Built to Spill)...and more or less go with what 'most' people would consider the 'better' decision?

-just looking for some thoughtful input

Thank You :]]

**also, It would be nice if you could "Star" this question so i could get more readers :]




  1. I almost went to Johnson and Wales for their global tourism program!

    If you dont set goals for your self then your setting your self up to fail. Get the very best education and you'll get a great job.

    And dont you dare complain about having to work. I work full time and go to school full time!!!!!

    With that attuide you wont even do well at AI.

    Go to Johnson and Wales and get a qulity education.

    My program is two years, but I know I'll need to at least get my bacholors, if not masters to get a great job and yea 6-8 years of schooling doesnt sit well with me to need so much schooling, but in the end its worth it.

    My exroommate dropped out becuase she set her self up for failer and listed to people tell her she was to stupied or needed to take harder classes dispite her learning disorder.

    Dont do that to your self becuase thats how you sound.

    good luck!

  2. Trust me, you want to choose J&W! AI is really a crappy school.... I know lots of people who went there and consider it their biggest mistake.  

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