
Once again: at what point in human evolution did humans start wiping after taking a dump? clear enough?

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Once again: at what point in human evolution did humans start wiping after taking a dump? clear enough?




  1. probably after they realized that after doing your business your butt feels awful if it's not wiped. what an odd question.

  2. We do not know but have included an interesting site for you to contemplate

    The Dirty Truth – A Brief History of Toilet Paper (6th century AD and ...

    ... after the invention of the flush toilet in 1596, commercially produced toilet ... It's funny, but wiping your privates is far less (note: LESS not NOT) necessary ... - 22k - Cached

  3. When you went into the a$$wiping business.

    Seriously, when she first started nagging him about it.

  4. In most primitive societies that I've visited, people generally bring a small cup or pot of water with them, if not defecating near a stream outright, so that this function is associated with bathing!

    Probably, if one does not take a small "mini-bath" after, the result can be unwanted itchiness or odor. Hygiene and cleanliness is one of the strengths of the Human Race!

  5. I not sure but I think I've read somewhere that humans are the only creatures that have to clean afterward or the body lets you know that you have been unwise. If that is true then cleaning that area has been going on for so long that it is ingrained in the body.  That would take a very long time even longer than instinct. I didn't really like your question at first but you do have an interesting point. Very interesting!

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