
Once again what are the chances..pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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this isnt for me thank god.. my best friend has s*x 3 days ago and used no condom! he busted in her maybe even twice obviously she cant check if shes pregnant but what are the chances? do you think she is..




  1. big chance...pregnancy has a 25% chance every month....depending on where she is in her cycle, if she was ovulating then her chances are big

    i think you should know the answer to that though, and if she is too young to be having s*x why dont you be a good friend and tell her to wait..but if your older then have her make wise decisions about protection...even protecting isnt 100%

  2. BIG BIG BIG CHANCE THAT SHE IS. of course she might have gotten lucky and shes not ovulating or not even close to ovulating. believe it or not sperm can live in a females body for up to 6 days. so lets hope she not ovulating right now or within the next few days. good luck.

  3. There's no way for anyone to know until she takes a test, but of course there's a chance.

  4. yes there is a high chance of being pregnant the only way you will know is when she misses a period and ten she takes a test good luck x

  5. HIGH anytime u have unprotected s*x and there is sperm

  6. There are 20 percent chance of getting preg anytime you have unprotected s*x around ovulation so there is a good chance! I had s*x once day be for I ovulated and got preg so it just depends..

  7. well, first off, it would really help if we knew when her last period was...

    regardless, the chances are very high, especially if it was during ovulation...which occurs about 14 days after the first day of her period (based on an average 28 day cycle)

    good luck!

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