
Once my hamster has her babies , do i have to seperate the dad ?

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my hamsters are roborovski dwarf hamsters .




  1. If you are referring to Golden Hamsters, they should be separated immediately after copulation. Golden Hamsters will fight each other to the death.

  2. after like 1 day or so i would move the mom to because she will eat the babies. =[

  3. dont know

  4. Please separate the dad immediately. Robo hamster fathers are not as bad as syrian hamster fathers in eating or killing their babies. But the reason you have to separate them is because the mother and father can mate as soon as she delivers and another litter in the next 20 days is not good for the mother's health since she would already have her hands full with the babies she delivers. So better separate the father once the mother is about to deliver her babies.

  5. i don't know about the dad, but i know you have to move the mom or she will eat her little babies :/

  6. no you should not in fact if you do the mom will eat the babies

  7. YES because the dad will eat the babies and the mom

  8. yea, or else the female will become pregnet again and you dont want that to happen

  9. move the dad but NOT THE MUM if she shows aggression just take the weaker babies away and hand rear them but leave the stronger babies to it or they will die hand rearing all of a possible 20 babies is ridiculouse unless u realy want them to die leave the mum to look after her babies. good luck xx

  10. You must not leave the male in the cage because he might eat the babies. You should take the male out a week before so the female gets used to not having him around. This way she will not be stressed when the babies come and she will not eat them.

  11. To reduce the likelihood of the babies being devoured by

    their parents, separate the father from them as soon as possible,

    and when you deem it safe, separate the mother from 'em.   You should be aware that the time you separate the father from the mother varies from species to species.  Case in point: The

    Syrian/Golden hamsters should only be together for mating,

    whereas dwarf hamsters can be kept together because they mate for life, and the father helps raise the young.

  12. i personally heard that if your female is having babies, a couple days before you should remove the dad...but after she had the babies (its too late) dont, if she gets in stress while she has her babies, she will eat them... =(

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