
Once the Democrats take back the Whitehouse will the Earth cool?

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To Bob never underestimate the power of mass stupidity... Global cooling was beaten with the elimination of CFC's ;-P

(and of course, revisionist history)




  1. They will tax the heck out of us, they will get there money out of us, then the earth will start to cool and they will say, we did it, we saved the world.

  2. with the amount of hot air and lies being spewed forth form them?  No then it might actually get warmer.

  3. I don't may be a LONG time before your theory is tested.

  4. a republican ie John McCain may be able to get more done on global warming than a democrat

  5. Today here is what we know:  many of mankind’s advancements cause earth surface to warm, destroy the ozone layer, kill off endanger species, heat cities, and in some way cause more destruction.  Blacktop (roads and parking lots), buildings, air pollution (causes lung and other diseases), deforestation, duststorms (which increase hurricanes and cyclones and cause lung diseases), fires (cause pollution, mud slides, and deforestation), refrigerants (like CFC's), solvents (including benzene destroy the ozone layer raising skin cancer rates) and plastics; cars, airplanes, ships and most electricity production (causes pollution including raised CO2 levels) are human problems we need to fix to keep life on earth sustainable! The federal government needs to adopt a pollution surcharge to balance the field and advance new technologies. We must pay the real price of oil (petrochemicals) including global warming, cleanup and for health effects. But with that we must understand we have never seen what is now happening before. CO2 has never lead to temperature change, but temperature change has led to increases in CO2. The models have to be made as we go along with little evidence! The result is:  change is on the way, we just do not know what changes. But again adding a small amount of CO2 to the atmosphere enlarges the earths sun collection causing warming; increase water in the atmosphere and they form clouds cooling earth but causing flooding. Even natural events are warming earth and causing destruction. The sun has an increased magnetic field causing increases in earthquakes (more destruction), volcanoes (wow, great destruction), and sun spots. Lighting produces ozone near the surface (raising air pollution levels). But humans have destroyed half of the wetlands, cut down nearly half of the rain forest, and advance on the earths grasslands while advancing desertification which increases duststorms. The USA Mayor's have taken a stand and I believe are on the right track, we can have control and can have economic growth. With the peak of oil in the 1970’s, the peak of ocean fishing in the 1980’s, humans must stop procrastinating and make real changes to keep earth sustainable including in the energy debate, finance and regulation. The sun is available to produce energy, bring light to buildings and makes most of human’s fresh water. Composting is the answer to desertification. New dams are the answer to fresh water storage, energy and cooling earth by evaporation, we need many small ones all over (California needs 100 by 2012 and has not even started).

    President Bush has made a choice of energy (ethanol) over food and feeding the starving people around the world; this is a choice China has rejected.

    That is why I founded, a geoengineering web sight where you can learn more about earth, the atmosphere, and how to sustain life on earth’s surface.

  6. Probably, but not because of any actions they take to curb green house gases.  Instead, their liberal policies will drive the world into a deep recession, reducing all economic activity, thereby reducing green house gas emissions as well as pretty much all personal wealth.  Of course, this is the true agenda of many so called global warming activists.

  7. 6 of one, half dozed of the other.

  8. No but your pockets will.  After they take all you money in taxes

  9. Mike S's logic befuddles me.

    How can we burn all the fossil fuel we burn with no environmental consequence? How can we remove millions of acres of CO relieving trees w/o some kind of adverse reaction?

    Global warming is a poorly worded phrase relating to extreme weather and temperature variations. Snow in Baghdad is an extreme weather pattern...could it be it's caused by changes in upper atmosphere and ocean currents?

    We act and then we don't think. Every action causes something else to happen. If you don't want to give up your energy-hogging ways, just say so.

    I'm the first to admit that I want a change but I'm too selfish to give up amenities. But ignorance......oh that just burns me.

  10. I'll bet it won't be as big of an issue.  I also bet that the national debt won't be a concern for the liberals either.

  11. No, but my TV set should!

  12. Any President will be tackling global warming, along with the rest of the world.

    Tell me, do you think most all scientists and most all world leaders are dumb or engaged in a gigantic conspiracy?

    EDIT It's funny how deniers take offense when someone simply points out the absurd logic of their position and the fact that the scientific data says they're wrong.

    For example, take the post below.  The fact that short term weather in one place can do pretty much anything has no bearing on the fact that global temperatures are rising long term.  Bad logic and bad data.  Here's the real thing:

    There are good reasons why most all scientists agree that global warming is real, and mostly caused by us.  The only logical alternative is that they're dumb or engaged in a giant conspiracy.

  13. No because they will still spew hot air just like any politician.

  14. There goes Bob again...   Burn us at the stake, us non-believers!  Bob smites thee...  

    Next Dana1981 will imply non-believers to be ignorant...

    Even Clinton didn't want to sign they Kyoto protocols, even the countries that did sign it won't make their goals.  

    Sure is cold where I live, been a week below zero, have another week of below zero...  Snowed in Bagdad this year too...   1934 was warm just like 2005, 1.24...   1960's were pretty cold...    Icebergs break off of the ice shelf, like fingernails that get too long, they break off...  

    But go ahead and burn the non-believers at the stake....    Remember the old addage in politics:  If you say something false is true enough times people will start to believe it's true...

    But then I'm stupid and ignorant.

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