
Once the male has ejaculated in the womans v****a during s*x how long does it take for the sperms to. .?

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How long does it take for the sperms to get let out of the s***n or whatever its called to start swimming up the v****a to get to the egg? do they start swimming up there instantly? if not does that meen that if you push the s***n out of your v****a straight away does that meen that their is no sperm in the v****a anymore because you have pushed it out too quickly? so therefore you wont get pregnant then? please explain how it all happens with the ejaculation in the womans v****a? im not sure how it All works





  1. Even before the boy comes inside you he will leak precum and it contains sperm that can make you pregnant. The purpose of the precum is to keep things lubricated. When he does come there will be more sperm inside you and there is even more of a chance you will get pregnant. If you wash right away there is still a chance that some sperm will hide inside you and make you pregnant. However, before you start washing there's a good chance you're too late. Have you picked out a name for the baby yet?

  2. douche is not a good form of birth control if that's what you're really asking.

  3. They start swimming immediately. In some rare cases, a woman can get pregnant in as little as 90 seconds, but the sperm can live in her body up to 72 hours

  4. They come out swimming, the are millions of them. Some times it can be quite rapid and others lots of hours. You can wash sperm out but you will not get all of them.

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