
Once upon a time long ago

by  |  earlier

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now you carry on ".....




  1. little green men from mars came down and did anal probes on all the a** h***s of the earth

  2. A man lived in a little cottage on the side of  a very lopsided hill. One day he was walking merrily down the lane that went down the hill when he tripped over a tiny bean and smashed his head into.......a pumpkin.


  4. there were no computers for people to email back

    and fourth to each other.

  5. There was a princess, and she loved to eat cupcakes.  She loved cupcakes so much in fact, that she ordered everyone in the kingdom bake her a batch of cupcakes for her birthday.  All the peasants worked day and night to make the princess her cupcakes, all that is except for a young pig farmer.  He had no sugar, or chocolate, or eggs.  All he had was his family of pigs.  But, he was determined to still give a gift to the princess for her birthday.  So, he slaughtered the best of his pigs and fried it in his family's best skillet.  On the birthday of the princess, everyone in the kingdom presented her with cupcakes.  When the pig farmer got to the princess, he bowed and presented her with his dish of food.  The princess was shocked, how could he not have made her cupcakes?  But her temper soon faded as she tried the dish.  It was amazing.  She had never tasted anything this wonderful.  She declared that the dish he had prepared be put on every breakfast menu in the kingdom.  She even named the dish after the pig farmer.  To this day it is still enjoyed at the breakfast table.  As for the pig farmer?  Her became extremely popular, and his bloodline still live on today.  I believe his heir is a famous actor.  It's Kevin, or something.

  6. The goose drank wine and the monkey chewed tobacco on the street car line The line broke, the monkey got choked and they all went to heaven in a little row boat.

  7. a girl called Eli met a tiger...

    she liked his stripes and the way he pounced on her when they were alone ;)


  8. a dinasour laid an egg  

  9. I could get it up...

  10. a caveman hit his friend he was called caveman Bob

  11. there was this dude that said hes p***s fell and that he was pregnant...

  12. before p**n there were cavemen drawings.

  13. before vibrators were invented.......................

  14. there was a women who always smiled

  15. ... there were dinosaurs  

  16. Once upon a time long ago...

    A chicken decided to cross the road?

    So fearlessly he cross it with a toad?

    Yes, the chicken crossed the road,

    But even today people as "Why?" I am told!!!.

  17. no

  18. ...there was a beast and a kitten. The only way to tame the beast is for the kitten to sacrifice herself to him.....wait, I think I have written this story before lol :o)

  19. My mum was born


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