
Once you're in heaven, do you get stuck wearing the clothes you were buried in for eternity? ?

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Once you're in heaven, do you get stuck wearing the clothes you were buried in for eternity? ?




  1. No one in heaven has a human body, as we all leave that behind for the undertaker. Fashion problem solved.

  2. Yeah. I'll be chillin' with JC wearing my LA Galaxy Beckham jersey.  

  3. You don't keep the body you have now.  You get a new one and I doubt you will care what you are wearing.

  4. That's a good question.  I wonder if there is this huge clothes rack with every clothing item ever made that you can choose from....*ponders idea all night* thanks.

  5. no, you are given robes, but I would like to have my jeans

    and boots, oh well.

  6. LoL! I'm sure nobody knows that question for sure. But you have to go back to the time when in some bibles it says that Adam and Eve sinned when they put on clothes, so makes you think. But who really knows?

  7. What if someone was cremated, does that mean they will go to heaven with their clothes burned off. Ewwww.....

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