
One 'oz' in cooking measurements-equal to?

by Guest62053  |  earlier

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i'm cooking and i have an old recipe.

it says that i need 4 Oz's. of sugar and 4 ozs. of butter.

i found out that 1 oz = 28 grams, but does anyone know how much that is in a cup or something?


fyi; im only 14 and im cooking a recipe for my family, but i'm home alone at the moment.




  1. 8 oz = 1 cup

    4 oz = 1/2 cup

    other helpful meas.

    3 teaspoonfuls = 1 tablespoonful

    2 tablespoonfuls = 1 ounce (oz)

  2. An ounce is 1/8 cup or 2 Tbsp or 6 tsp.

  3. Okay 14 is plently old enough to be cooking on your own. It's the kids that ask really dumb questions about simple things that scare me.

    4 oz of butter is equal to 1/4 cup or 1/2 stick.

    4 oz of sugar is either 4 oz in weight or 4 oz volume measure. But I would do for 1/4 cup unless it's for a dessert it may get a little wacky that way. Oh what the heck just use 1/4 cup no matter what.

  4. 4 ounces is 1/2 cup so it's a full stick, not a half stick, of butter.  And the sugar is a dry measure so use a metal measuring cup and not a glass one that's meant for liquids.

    Hope you got this figured out before making a mistake from wrong answers!

  5. stop cooking.

    really. stop.

    wait for an adult to help you.

    4oz = 1/2 cup

  6. other answers are great, enjoy your self and your new recipe.

  7. it stands for ozzy osbourne !

    your kidding right?

    just in case your not kidding, oz =ounce

  8. i'm sure you know how to use the stove and oven and knives and such.  4 ounces of butter is 1/4 cup or half a stick.  4 ounces of sugar is half a cup.  good luck and keep cooking!!

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