
One-A-Day womens multi vitamins...?

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I am a vegetarian and need to start taking a multi vitamin, I bought this brand tonight only to find out that is contains fish (cod, pollock, haddock, hake, cusk, redfish) and soy. But quite a lot vegetarians consume these and have no idea of this. This is also a trusted brand. Should I take them or not? Wouldn't it mean I wasn't really a vegetarian? Here is the website showing the information.




  1. Here's another myth that won't die:  that fish is vegetarian.  It isn't.  Vegetarians do not consume the flesh of any animal, and fish are animals.

    There are plenty of vegan vitamins.  I also use the DEVA (you can get it at or any vegan online retailer), but I also like the VegLife Vegan One Multiple.  Both are once-daily vitamins that are fairly easy to swallow.

    And trusted by whom?  You might want to take them back to the store (if you haven't yet opened them) and get a vegan brand.

  2. One-A-Day is a good vitamin and used be millions of women successfully.

  3. It's up to you if you want to take them or not, personally I wouldn't.

    If you are looking for some ideas about which vitamin brand's supplements are vegetarian/vegan here's a website: I'd recommend the DEVA Vegan Multivitamin.

  4. check at the local heath food store they will have a proper vitamin to fit your needs.

  5. If you knowingly swallow dead animals, especially when there's an abundance of alternatives, you are not vegetarian.  One-a-Day also has gelatin, which isn't vegetarian.  There are plenty of vegetarian-friendly multivitamins out there.

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