
One Life To Live Soap? Star and Cole? When will they be back?

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Have they been on in a while. When will they be on again. I can't find anything on the internet. Do soaps have seasons, or do they run all year?




  1. Soaps run all year.  But the actors need to take vacation time too.  Maybe Starr and Cole are taking a break now because they'll have a huge storyline in the Fall.....especially in November when she has her baby.

  2. Soap Operas run all year long so there really isn't a season per se.  Starr and Cole were shown last week but not for long.  They just argued again about whether or not they can have a relationship despite the fact that Starr still intends to give the baby to Marcie McBain to raise.  Cole said, "I will never forgive you for giving our child away, so we have nothing- no relationship."  He then stormed off and Starr was left in what looked like the park, crying.

    Starr and Cole probably will not be shown much for awhile now since their storyline has kind of fizzled, but they will be on a lot come November when Starr is to give birth.  Now Jessica/Tess and her plan to destroy Jared and Natalie is taking the forefront along with Todd and Marty and John wanting to know what Todd is hiding.

  3. it never stops hehe thats why i like it,  but i think that with time and the baby they share they will work out there feelings (i hope)

  4. Soaps run all year round. They will be back, they don't use every character every day. They have lots of stories to tell so you may not see people for weeks at a time but they will be back , the story for them is getting deep.

  5. They run all year. But Starr and Cole have been on. Just not this week so far. But last week they were on...when Starr her mom and Marcie went to the OB/GYN. Starr got a sonogram. They went out to eat some brekfast, and they saw Cole there and him and Starr talked for a little while. Then some kids from school came and told Starr she was gaining a little weight and then said it was a baby bump. Starr will have her baby in the November, so Starr and Cole will have a lot of air time during that month.  Hope i helped, Best answer please!

  6. Soaps run all year long but from time to time actors take a short leave so that they have a break from everything

  7. They've monopolized the show lately and are probably just on vacation.  Soaps run all year.  Sometimes reruns are shown on holidays...S& C will be back soon because they have a big story coming up when she has the kid..

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