I'm almost embarassed to ask this because I know so much about Ball Pythons and she isn't my only snake.
I've had her for almost 3 months now and she was a biter to begin with but I figured it was because she wasn't used to being handled or was scared because she was in a whole new enviornment. She's a big baby too, since I had her, she's grown considerably - now she's about 3 feet!
She eats 2 mice every week outside of her tank in a tub (I was hoping that might get her to stop biting).
I've tried to handle her as much as possible but she just won't stop, and now I don't want to hold her because she strikes at me constantly ans is so freaked out of being held.
Any ideas rather than to just keep holding her? Or is this hopeless?
Also, don't bother telling me snakes aren't domesticated and that its in their nature to bite, because I have other snakes and have delt with them for quite some time, and they haven't had any problems with biting and such....