
One Tree Hill: Season 6 Episode 1 Music??

by  |  earlier

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First episode of the season, I want the music! But I forgot to write down what it said played at the end! HELP! Full list of songs with artists will receive best answer-10 points! HELP PLEASE!!! :)




  1. Here are all the songs from that episode:

    Touch Me I'm Going to Scream, Part 1 - 09/01/08

    * I Should Be Lost Without You : David Condos

    * In the Ayer (feat. : Flo Rida

    * Lovers In Japan / Reign of Love : Coldplay

    * Poke : Frightened Rabbit

    * Town Where You Belong : Earlimart

    * Violet Hill : Coldplay

  2. the ones i remember are:

    lovers in japan - coldplay

    violet hill - coldplay

    reign of love - coldplay

    in the ayer - flo rida

    i should be lost without you - david condos

  3. go to the WB website & it will tell you

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