
One World Order will their Plan FAIL or just Slow Down ?

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One World Order will their Plan FAIL or just Slow Down ?




  1. There has been plans by those in the know, for a one world governement for many years now.  Once the powers that be can get a few rouge countries in line, there will be a one world government.  Just stick around.

  2. Highly Unlikely.  For there to be one world, there must be organisation, and at this scale, this is impossible without a bureaucracy. But as a bureaucracy grows past a threshold of size, a spectrum of complexity and a margin of interdependence, various effects are observed: (1) the bureaucracy becomes increasingly difficult to manage and comprehend because the rate at which problems arise, exceeds the rate at which knowledge is produced to solve them; (2) constituency participation in the bureaucracy will diminish; (3) the constituency's access to leadership will decline, in resulting in a failure of any form of representation; (4) the costs of coordinating the bureaucracy grow at a rate disproportionate to increases in size after some threshold of size; (5) the variety and diversity of constituents interacting with the bureaucracy are reduced; (6) the level of alienation and depersonalisation will increase; (7) the number and significance of unexpected outcomes of policy decisions, which could be highly adverse for many will increase because increased size results in an increase in the complexity of problems; (8) bureaucracies become increasingly rigid and inflexible: (9) the creativity and diversity of policy responses will decline; (10) the legitimacy of leadership will decline; (11) the vulnerability of the bureaucracy will increase and (12) the effectiveness of the performance of the system will decline. The common denominator to all of these problems in scale. The law of diminishing returns can be applied to scale itself by making scale the variable factor, so that increases in scale of an activity or process, will result in diseconomies of scale, past a certain threshold. As we have seen, the lust for political power and the belief that 'bigger is better', will push any attempt to globally govern the world into a diseconomy of scale situation. For example, even with respect to environmental protection, attempts to manage the environment through international agreements to restrict access to the common have been a failure and time and time again it has been shown that big business and states are ineffective in protecting biodiversity - it is the local people whose livelihoods depend upon protecting their local environment, that have the most concern about conservation of their locality. What is the world but a system of localities?

    The second major problem with internationalism is one that all centralisation doctrines have faced since the time of Ploughed: who controls the controller?

  3. hitler seems to still live on.  but if people are wise, it will FAIL>

  4. Do not fail.              But may slow down.

  5. If one world order were forced upon the human race ... just like all wars, there would be insurgents and resistors who would fight the loss of freedom and do everything in their power to throw a monkey-wrench into the big plan.  Like Will Smith in Independence Day.   Boo-yah!


  6. It does not exist, and if it did, it would fail.  Ultimately, tyrants always fall, and the human spirit always prevails.

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