
One cat wants to play, the other doesn't!?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, I now have 2 cats. Our first one is about 3 yrs old now, and she is a cat that comes in and outside. We adopted a kitten about a month ago, and he is about 4 months old. He is a little wild man!! And that's just the problem! He LIKES to attack stuffed animals and all that stuff; including that cat. The other cat does not like this at all. She turns and hisses and claws at him...and meows in that very angry tone. So, I need a way to make sure they get along..I do not want to be giving any cat away!





  1. This is normal! Man, I see so many people "giving away" cats because one is older than the other.  The young cat needs to jump and play just like a child.  The older cat may not like it, but it is not going to kill the younger cat.  Most likely the older cat will enforce her dominance and teach the young one a thing or two about who is in charge.  They will be fine.  Don't freak out about it.

    If she was really pissed off, she would attack him.  She will be OK. I had the same situation happen with my cats. The girl would hiss and growl, but all that did was show my young male that SHE was boss and he soon knew to leave her alone.  It will work itself out.  IF they do get into a fight, just separate them for a few hours. Trust me.

  2. Give the cat a 'kitten free zone' in the house so she can get a break.  Think of it as a teenager having to deal with a very hyper toddler brother.  As the kitten matures a little he will eventually get the hint.  They will work it out if you give it some time.  Also don't be afraid to discipline the kitten and tell him "no" when you see him harassing the cat.  When there is trouble, remove him from the situation and put him in a time out in a safe place, such as the bathroom, or a little kennel, for a few minutes until both cats calm down.

    This really isn't a reason to have to give either of them away, just be patient and let them work it out.  One of my cats was a real wild child as a kitten and has totally mellowed out now.  I also have two that are always messing with each other but its kind of a love-hate relationship now.

  3. Trim the older cats nails so it won't do physical harm to the kitten. After awhile they will get use to each other and either may or may not become friends. I have a female cat is about 6 years old and hisses and growls at all the cats in the house. She was the first one here and feels the rest shouldn't be in " her house" hummm I guess I gave up ownership to this place? Once in a great while she will allow them near her just to wash her ears or something but that's pretty much it. But what ever you do don't give all the attention to the new kitten it could make matters worse if the older cat is feeling left out. I have a toy mouse that is attached to a stick with a string and I would tease my older cats and get them to play with it and then do the same with my kitten. After awhile they share playing with the mouse and seem to adjust to each other some so you might also want to try that? If the older cat ignores it don't be upset and just leave her be. But don't get rid of the kitten even if the older one is upset for awhile.

  4. he is young and active :)

    provide him with more toys - hiding places ( this would make them share the fun)

    try empty boxes , paper bags as hiding places for them.

    a high cat tree would help the older one to stay up high from the young one .

    I have a 3 years old cat and a 3 months old one , they never interact except when the young one jumps on the older one's tail !

    but it is getting along with the other 1 year old ones !

    I try to brong them toys , hiding places .. eventually they accepted eachother.

    Good luck

  5. The older cat will retaliate if it gets really annoyed at the kitten, but if you're worried it will hurt the kitten by biting or scratching it then confine the kitten to one or two rooms, so that the older cat has the rest of the house (this will also stop the kitten making a mess of the rest of the house).

    If you don't like this solution or it isn't working, then try making a 'sanctuary' for the older cat, an area where it can go and the kitten can't , so the kitten won't annoy it e.g: somewhere higher up, or put a catflap into one room the kitten isn't allowed into (use a collar with a magnet).

  6. they jus need sometime to get along

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