
One child policy?

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do you ahve any other suggestions as to how the human population could be controlled??? BEST ANSWER WILL BE REWARDED GENEROUSLY.




  1. responsible couples.

  2. Mass suicide.

    Seriously, if you really want to control the human population (and in many countries, the birth rate is lower than the death rate), you'll need to spay/neuter babies at birth, or shortly after - just like kittens.  

    Here in the US, the population is increasing due to immigration - legal and illegal - rather than birthrates.  IF you want to lower the birthrate in the USA, stop making babies of illegals, citizens.  And stop paying women welfare, just because they are pregnant or have children under five.

  3. thats why im not having kids and moving to england. and we're not freakin china here. one child policy is rediculous.

  4. A must have one child pollicy if married, no more no less.

  5. award some cash prizes for those who has single child and follow the single child policy

  6. Stop giving single mothers child benefits and stop giving families any type of child support. Also start charging people for education instead of using tax money. That way tax payers can save some cash and people will think more before having children.

  7. Well. For one, our government shouldn't give out extra money for every child. (a.k.a welfare) I think that gives a lot of people incentive to breed themselves like rabbits. But yes. It sounds so wrong and inhumane, but there should be a limit, like there is in, I think, China.

  8. 1 child policy...thats what china did...seems to have workd

    ooo i got another idea, get rid of welfare so lazy people dont have more children to get more welfare benefits

  9. Besides one child policy.

    1) Pay tax for subsequent child giving birth to.

    2) Only after a certain age then can conceive if not fined.

    3) Adoption is compulsary until no child is available for adopt.

  10. Telling people they can only have one child is taking away their rights to simply reproduce. That seems like a terrible idea. The only reason it "worked for China" is because they took any other children from the people and put them for adoption!

    The government could give money for people only have one or two children, but you can't make it illegal to have children.

  11. put a tax import on all chinese or indian people immigrating to the USA. I don't care if they over populate just do it over there and if you come here well at least give me a nice Toaster.
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