
One day X celebrated her birthday. Two days later her older twin brother, Y celebrated his birthday. HOW?

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One day X celebrated her birthday. Two days later her older twin brother, Y celebrated his birthday. HOW?




  1. x was born just before midnight on Feb. 28. Y was born just after midnight on the morning of mar.1. On leap year there are 29 days in Feb. hence, 2 days apart.

  2. Her older twin brother isn't HER twin.

  3. Twins can come out of mother`s womb at two or more days interval.This happened several times.

  4. they are two different people Y is a twin and X is a single birth so therefore there are three children whose birthdays are in the same month but born on different days

  5. 'cause X doesn't have a twin. Y is her big bother and the twin of Z

  6. That's exactly what I was going to say.LOL

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