
One day i would like to become a pro skater, but to be honest i cannot skate can you please help me ???

by  |  earlier

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i would like to 1 day be sponserd by element how could i??? and my idle is BAM MERGARA he rocks!!!!!! please help me




  1. Dude you have got a chance I have seen kids who get sponsored in one year of skating. But those guys are crazy and are die hard skaters, there moto is "Skate or die, Skate or die!". You just need to practice a lot and work on one trick at a time. You should really set a lower goal of getting sponsored by a board shop first. Don't give up! Good luck!

  2. Go on youtube and look for trick tips.  Also, Bam Margera isn't really popular with skaters since he makes skaters look bad and also i think enjois are the best boards.

  3. just go to somewhere have skatebord boys.

  4. my husband has been skateboarding since he was a child.

    i may think he's the best in the world but honestly it takes alot of hard work, dedication, practice, skill, talent, and luck to become pro...

    and most pro's have been doing it their whole life

    not to say there is no hope,

    but you haven't even touched a board.

    and just because bam is on t.v.

    does NOT mean he's the best pro..

    in fact many skaters hate Element

    and there is alot better talent than him.


    im a freaking house wife and i know that

    if you wanna be pro...

    there is only one way to do it.




    and be EXTREMELY  talented at it.

  5. if you can't skate you won't become a pro simple as that

  6. My 5 step plan  






  7. start practasing

  8. Practise you'll surprise yourself if you want it bad enough!!! and show people they'll advise you on how to improve !! good luck!!! :D

  9. Step 1.  Get a skateboard, learn to skate

    Step 2.  Find skaters willing to teach you how to do tricks and obstacles.

    Step 3.  Compete in local competitions to build reputation and skill

    Step 4.  Get endorsement deal, a Lambo, hot chick and mansion.

    Now get off your computer and go practice, so I can watch you on TV in a few years.

  10. first its IDOL not idle...this means not in use.

    second i don't know how he could be your idol when you've spelled his name wrong, its MARGERA.

    not trying to criticize you, but at least be prepared when u talk to someone in person, so i'm saving u later embarrassments.


  11. practice makes perfect

  12. your a poser!

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