
One day i would like to move to australia........?

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and become a zoologist. I currently live in the US and that is the career I wish to persue. What do i need to know about australia and being a zoologist. if you can answere either question that would be great. :) thanks




  1. You've got it the wrong way round there.

    First off you train to become a zoologist in your own country (USA), then you apply to Australia to immigrate as a skilled person - a zoologist in your case.

    To see whether Australia is interested in allowing zoologists in as people with a recognised and needed skill, check the following very informative government site:

  2. It depends where in australia you live. If you live in queensland its very hot, sydney is much the same, just not near the coast. Canberra gets very cold in the winter, but has many beautiful days. Canberra is a very small state but has much packed into it, on the other hand sydney is veyr big and you will have to travel to get a lot out of sydney. Sydney house prices are high, i think canberra is much the same. The other side of Australia i have heard to a lot cheaper house price wise. Sydney has a zoo in the city which is quite nice, many animals you can work with there. Hope this helps a bit. If you want to know more information feel free to ask, more specific questions would also help also :-P Many good forture, and luck come your way. Good luck in persuing your career in wanting to become a zoologist.

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