
One doesn't dream at night...and only dreams during the day?

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Does anyone have methods to treat this?




  1. only sleep at night time

  2. you do dream at night you just don't remember them, it's fairly common.  you dream during the day because you can't concentrate because your job is boring.

  3. The mind needs a certain amount of REM (dreaming time) in order to function properly. Therefore, the mind dreams routinely, usually during sleep. It is likely that you do dream at night, but cannot remember it.

    However, if you do not dream at night, it is possible that you are not sleeping well, or have some disorder that wakes you up before reaching REM. Your mind might be compensating by slipping into REM during the daytime.

    My suggestion: take sleep medication, such as that one advertized with Abraham Lincoln and the groundhog.

    On a related note, there is a good Star Trek (Next Generation) episode in which the crew stops dreaming, and they all have hallucinations during the day. Of course, they solve thier problem with a huge explosion, somehow.

  4. Get a Starbucks gift card and only use it during the day?

  5. Much must be understood. There are seven states of consciousness available to you. You are likely in the first three states of consciousness, waking state of consciousness, dreaming state of consciousness, and deep sleep state of consciousness. The fourth state of consciousness is called cosmic state of consciousness . Is called cosmic consciousness because it is all inclusive; you remain awake, standing aloft so to speak, in any of the lower three states consciousness. Should that state interest you, I would recommend Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Transcendental Meditation.  

    Your waking state is just an extension of you dream state but more conscious, and do not think you are alone. A technique to remember you dreams and also achieve the fourth state does take time.  When in your bed and about the time you are ready to fall into sleep try to be without thought and remain awake and alert until you do drift into sleep. In the morning just before thinking takes over or opening your eyes, stay a little longer and pick up where you left off when you dropped off into sleep. Remain alert without thought simply observe and remain awake. Over a period of time you will increase you wake-full alertness. You will remember the dream and will be working toward the forth state of consciousness. Stick to it!

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