
One easy question for 10 points. All you need is to watch this video?

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Why are kids at this age doing this?




  1. This has the semblance of 1960's racial sins in America.  It is diffidently a lack of parenting.

    It could also be racial bigotry taught in schools as the hatred of the Jew is being taught in schools all over the world.

    Then again I don't know what the Pal kids did to make the Jewish kids mad.

    It's like when I was a kid and the white kids lined up against the Mexican kids for dirt clod fights.  Except I could go on either side.  Everyone thought of me as white, but being Choctaw I was always pretty brown.

    I am only seeing one point of view here.

    Where are the parents?

  2. The only answer that make sense here is Kismets one, even my answer is the result of anger.


    Because Zionism is taking over them, this is what the protocols are teaching them, this is what Zionists Rabbis are telling them to do, "a good Arab is a dead Arab".

  3. There are idiots everywhere....  *sigh*

    They come in all colors.....

    I hope his parents ground him for this!

    By the way, I think this is the sixth time you have attempted to get others to watch this; any particular reason?

  4. Because kids are little b******s,poor quality video cant really tell what theyre doing but ill take your word for it,but hey at least their parents arent arming them with Ak47's and pressuring them to become killers

  5. Because they are Orthodox jews and racial hatred is at the core of their religious upbringing.

  6. For every video you show I can show one hundred video that  were made in the Gaza, the difference is this is not a common thing in Israeli schools or in Israeli society, it is common in every school in the Gaza and west bank.

    Why are kids at this age doing this?

  7. Beautiful Sunset - if you don't like Israel why you spend so much time here?

    In America little kids deal drugs, even 10 years old kids in America deal drugs. Don't think America is perfect. Israel got alot of problems and to be honest, no one care and no one try to fix it. Thats why alot of people see no future here and they are leaving. I have few friends that just move to Europe..

    Israel is a 1st world country, there are bigger problems in Brazil and in Africa, go and criticise them.

  8. You have go some nice videos! First time I've seen this...

    I truly think the internet is revolutionary, it exposes all these things that we wouldn't have gotten to see otherwise on fake American news, since our media has been hijacked by zionists...

    No wonder emigration from Israel is increasing, if this is the so called "promised land" the zionist leaders  brainwashed the Jews with. Hmm.. looks more like a promised dumpyard. What a mess! Truly the biggest mistake of the 20th century...

    PS Turns out "promised land for blood and hate" isn't such a good deal after all... Is there a way to reverse the bloodshed???

    edit: Beautiful Sunset you will get deleted in no time.. are you American? Because I am, and the rules around here are.. Don't Criticize Israel! Unfortunately, everyday we're becoming less of a democracy and more of a zionist Jewrocracy..

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