
One eye bigger then the other?

by  |  earlier

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I have one eye bigger then the other, how do I get it back to it's normal size?

I think it started when i grew my hair and i got a side frige that covered one side of my face including my eye, could this be the reason? should i cut my hair and make sure it doesnt cover this eye?

I also have reading glasses, one of my eyes is weaker then the other one, and that eye just happends to be the one that is smaller. Is this the reason? do i have to make it stronger by wearing my glasses regulary?




  1. it's probably because the one eye is weaker than the other one and doesn't have to work as hard as the other one.

    go get an eye patch to wear over the stronger eye.

    that is what i had to do.

  2. i had this problem before,but i'm not sure if we are talking about the same things.

    ok, check your eyelid, are the identicle? mine wasn't, one had double layers, while the other have 3 layers.

    i still don't know why it happened,  but i  suspect its because you degrees in eyes increasing, like you said, you of your eye is weaker. the eye with more degrees has a bigger eyeball, it is strechted, you can't tell, and that eye i suspect is the smaller one.  it dosen't harm you in any way.

    i don't know how to get it back, if you are really desperate, tell your doctor.

    double eyelid, just in case you don't know what it is.

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