
One for Royalists. If it is rude to mention republicanism..?

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while Liz is alive, and presumably unthinkable to mention it when she serenely curls her regal toes up, just when exactly is the time to mention it?




  1. You are so stupid.

  2. You may talk drivel,sorry,about republicanism whenever you like,It is a free country still.How about us talking about when your mother,if indeed you ever had one,lies dead after curling up her unregal toes?But,your mother is a nonentity and no one would care when she does.I am finding this quite disturbing as I am rather enjoying myself.

    Edit........Seniarydnew1,what do you mean about freedom,Have you any idea what you are talking about?

  3. The royal family cost us £150 million per year, or as they so fondly like to say on here (to ease the shock) 60-something pence per person.

    I reckon that money would be put to much better use by funding our soldiers and police, making schools and hospitals better and getting BRITISH people of the streets instead of allowing a privileged hand-full a life of luxury... but again, i guess that's just MY opinion  ;)

  4. Feel free to mention republicanism whenever you like, it isn't rude, its freedom of speech. Would president Mugabe allow such freedom?? But he isn't a king, so that must be ok...

  5. Not being a royalist but democrat, I would think it would be very rude to mension republicanism espically in the presence of the royal family.  Second, I dont think that the UK can handle that kind of responsibility and/or freedom to be a republic.  The world uses the house of Windsor as a standard of what any /all monarchies to be like, warts and all! Yes, its rude.  Be nice.  Thanks for listening w/o prejudice!

  6. In a democracy in the form of a Constitutional Monarchy such as ours, free speech is allowed and welcomed. In real terms, however, there is no substantial clamour for a republic. Only civil war and bloodshed could bring that about: all the armed forces, the government and courts are sworn to defend the Crown.  It is a little reminiscent of the old tale of the wolf and the 3 pigs : "you can huff and you can puff but you won't blow this house down!"

    Vivat Elizabetha Regina.

  7. Its not rude, this is a free country and you can mention it whenever you want.

    The facts are, however:

    The Queen costs the average Brit 66p a year.

    She has her own revenue from her own lands, other members of her family have their own businesses such as stables.

    They also pay a lot of tax.

    This is where your taxes really go:

    Maybe you should complain about them and not the Queen, she does more for this country than the above sterling examples of humanity.

    And if you don't like living under a Monarchy and are so desperate to live in a "Republic", you're free to leave. I hear the USA is nice at this time of year.  You can have an unfairly elected chimp like Bush living off your taxes instead.

  8. Excuse me, do you mean Queen Elizabeth, when you say Liz?

  9. The rudeness lies in the way they "talk" about it. They rant,they rave,they insult, and they do not LISTEN to other points of view.The rudeness lies in the way they refuse to read cold hard facts that do not agree with their republican mind-bent.That is what is rude!Lack of manners,decency and sense.

  10. No its not rude to mention republicanism, that's what answers is for to express an opinion.  Tough if some people do not like what you have to say, its a free country.

    I have great respect for the Queen and the next heir should be Prince William.  I think when Prince Charles has to take his turn, he will be as much use as a chocolate fireguard.

    Its been said before about how little they cost the tax payers, and I will say again I do not care if its only one penny to keep them.  The Royals are all rich in their own way and can keep themselves not have the poor taxpayers coughing up to keep them.

    When Prince Charles has his turn then I think the republicans will come into their own, either that or he abdicates so that he can talk to his plants!

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