
One for the girls only: if it where more socially acceptable you leave your body hair grow.

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or would you shave even if you where considered strange for doing so




  1. i hate it when my legs are hairy and my armpits, i think i would shave even though it was more socially accepted to let it grow but if i was considered strange for shaving i wouldn't.

  2. I would still shave it's cleaner.

  3. well i guess i would forget about my legs, but the other areas i groom get itchy if i let them grow out too much

  4. if having hair was more acceptable.. we probably wouldn't shave, But because some woman (like myself) don't like hair, we would continue to shave.  

  5. I would always want to shave my armpits but the legs don't bother me much. I don't have much hair on them anyways.

    my mom was lucky in that she took after her native American grandmother, no body hair on her, skin as smooth as silk. She never had to shave.

  6. i'd probably still shave. i almost feel "cleaner" for doing it. but it would also depend on how i was bringing brought up within that society where it is acceptable.  

  7. I would definatley shave what was seen. I completely don't like the look of hair.

  8. still shave

    i think it looks horrible if women have body hair and nobody could change that lol its not very lady like is it?


  9. its a pain shaving our body parts i would love to never shave again it would b good to have something to remove hair permanently as i dont like being hairy and feel cleaner shaved  

  10. I would still shave, regardless.

  11. Yeah.

    Not more than 1/8 of an inch, but I wouldn't freak out and shave everytime I had a little stubble. Razorburn is uglier than stubble.

    But thanks to gillette and their greedy selves, women have yet another thing to feel insecure about so they spend thousands of dollars over their lifetimes to be bald on their bodies.ridiculous.

    And I think all guys should have to have their underarms shaven.  

  12. As much as I'd LOVE to, don't think so! I'm betting I'm older than the ladies who have replied so far. When I was in my twenties, heck, yeah, why waste the time to shave? (Maybe the pits and bikini line.) Then a horrible thing happened--I got older, and like most women my age, I started finding these new, wiry, darker hairs where there hadn't been any hair before! Eww! The hair I was used to having also turned wilder, coarser, and sometimes darker. At the age of 47, I shave and pluck everywhere, including places the public will never see. Society could learn to love my bodyhair, and it would still look too weird to me not to get rid of it.

  13. I dunno...I kinda like the feeling of smooth legs :)

  14. I would still shave; I hate the way leg hair feels against clothes and my sheets. I would still shave my legs even if it wasn't what was socially acceptable!

  15. I wouldn't let it get disgustingly long, bc that's just gross. But I would NEVER shave probably like once a month.

  16. I think men and women should shave. For 1 men and women should shave there pubic hair because when you have s*x all the juices get on it. Not everyone has s*x with 1 person in there hole life so imagine everyone that you slept with and all there juice deep down in your pubic hairs. 2ed men and women should shave there under arms because when you put on deodorant (and if you play a sport) deep down in your hair is still some of that old sweetie, smelly, nasty deodorant.

  17. Dunno... Before i shaved, my leg hair was sore for some reasonso maybe.

  18. I would shave always. Its much cleaner

  19. Sorry,not a girl.

    Ladies,please dont shave,i really love a

    girl with hair,i have no problem with hair

    on your legs,hair under the arms MMMM,

    a nice bushy p***y MMMMmm.

  20. I would give it up in a heartbeat. We were born with body hair, why should society dictate what we do with that hair. Men don't shave their legs or arm pits. Why is that acceptable for them and not for us?  

  21. I was young in the sixties and to the best of my knowledge no-one ever shaved their pubic hair.  It seems to be a new fashion.  We always shaved our under arms and legs if they were hairy but I am extremely lucky and have never needed to shave my legs in my life.

  22. I haven't shaved for many years.   I only did it in high school in the 60s cause Mom said I couldn't.  In the 70s there were the women's libbers and the hippie days and I quit.   Never started back up.   Let me admit though that it was not that bad for me, I am not very hairy.  Had I been, I might have done it differently.  Husband prefers the soft hair to stubble and thinks it is just fine.   He doesn't shave his body so he can accept that it is cosmetic, not hygiene.  Otherwise men would shave routinely also.  

    I don't care to draw attention to my choice so when in public I do choose clothes that are comfortable and don't make an issue of it.   I hate crowds and public pools, etc. so that is not a problem for me.

    If you look back into the history of that particular practice , you will find it is insulting to men and women,  it is sexist, racist, and panders to the pedophile.  But to each their own.   I am 58 now, and haven't shaved my legs or pits since 1970.    

  23. I would definately shave. It is much more hygienic and hairy legs etc are unsightly xx

  24. I could care less about what's socially acceptable!  I've let my leg hair grow and don't care what anyone thinks of it!  s***w all of you if you don't like it, don't look!  Why would I care more about what YOU think than I do what I think?  I refuse to give you that power!

  25. nope....i still get the whole body waxed ;)

  26. I'd still remove my body hair. It's more heigenic, looks better and makes your feel more girly


  27. Well it is considered socially acceptable in some countries.  If it was here I wouldnn't shave, it is such a nuisance.  Also unlike an answer I see from someone it is no way dirty to have body hair, providing you do not fall down on your hygiene. It really is up to the individual but as it's not acceptable here afraid I am a coward and do remove it.

  28. Well I wouldn't shave, but I would try to at one point and start a new trend. Cause, it would just be too hard to do things with all this nasty hair.

  29. I guess shaving has become part of the norm these days, and it would be strange not to. But if it was socially acceptable not to, I would definitely not do it. I being all natural was the way to go then I would probably conform to that!

  30. God yes, if i didnt think people would look at me weirdly when i went swimming or whatever i'd never shave again.

  31. I would shave because its more comfortable for me. But that's just my opinion :)

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