
One kid already, could another be in sight?

by  |  earlier

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I am on the pill. My period came july 12. i started taking a med called aciphex for acid indegestion on july 27th. on the 30th i had some light bleeding and it couldn't have been my period because it is not due now. i have been tired, using the bathroom more often, and bloated. what are the possibilities of me being pregnant. and could the aciphex interfere with my birth control?




  1. it could have interfered. did you tell your dr you were on BC? if you are pregnant, its important you dont take the BC, so take a test. there is no way to know for sure until you take the test.  

  2. I don't think you are pregnant .You are on the pill.Of course since you are having these symptoms it could be possible but it is way too soon to tell.You will just have to wait 2 more weeks and take a home pregnancy test .It is probably just your hormones playing tricks on you though.

    This is what I found........If you are taking certain medications

    Prescription and non-prescription medicines and recreational drugs may interfere with the effectiveness of your birth control pills. Known interactions occur with high doses of vitamins, anticonvulsants, Valium, diuretics and short-term antibiotics. To insure your contraceptive’s effectiveness ask about interactions with any medicine you take, and make sure that your health care provider/pharmacist is aware that you are taking the pill. You must inform all health care providers that you use the pill if you are in a leg cast or scheduled for surgery. If you have any questions, ask.

    Additional protection (barrier methods or abstinence) will ensure your contraceptive’s effectiveness when taking medicines. If you experience break-through bleeding while taking other medications, it may indicate a decrease in the pill’s effectiveness. Use a back-up method and consult with a health care provider.

  3. Talk to your Dr. If not available, talk to your pharmacist. They'll be able to advise you on drug interactions.

  4. Call a pharmacist.

    Also go to:

    It will help you with drug interactions etc...

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