
One life to live REG:Marcie N MIKE?

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OKAY SO I DON'T KNOW IF MOST OF YOU REMEMBER Lil Gabrielle. A LIL GIRL WHO CAME TO AL/MIKE IN A DREAM Lil Gabrielle specifically told Al/Michael that if he didn't get together with Marcie and get her to love him as Michael, then she could never be born... so the other day marcie n mike made love and there relationship is falling down but what if she becomes pregnant? this can change the whole storyline for star n the baby i don't know just a thought what do you think?




  1. Wonder how many times the writers have changed since then!

    Maybe if they could see that clip, it could factor in a Lil Gabrielle


  2. i remember, but like jen said the writers probably forgot about it, or the there not going to write her in or it's also possible that they are waiting to make it a surprising plot twist ( though i think the latter is more possible, they forgot.)

  3. That would be cool, but Marcie can't have kids, remember?

  4. doubt it will happen

  5. I do remember that ! But the sad thing is I bet the writer's forgot all about it. So it may or may not be an issue. I do not want her getting Starr's baby though, this story is making me mad!

  6. That'd be interesting!

  7. not much chance of that..

  8. Since the rumor is that Todd is going to kidnap...well switch the baby with Jess/Tess's baby which is going to die...Marcie being pregnant too is not to bad of a twist lets just hope the writes come the answers

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