
One more choice for baby girl please!?

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I'm probably driving everyone nuts by now. We are pregnant (24 weeks) with our second girl. I am having trouble picking the perfect baby name! Our 3 year old daughter is Kendal Rae, and I never thought twice. Our decided name is Ashlyn Olivia, which my husband and I both really like. I had a dream that we named her Reagan Rylee, which I'm finding most of you don't favor as well (another open question). My last and final name choice that I love is Clara Bell...first and middle.

If it were between Ashlyn Olivia and Clara Bell, which would you choose??

The initials would be AOP, and CBP. I love both names and they sound great with our last name. She is due in November, and I would really like calling her by her first name in my belly! We have been calling her Ashlyn for the past few months, and although I love it terribly, I have a feeling that most will confuse her for Ashley, which I am trying avoid. Any suggestions on these two names? I would appreciate it!

This pregnancy is making me so indecisive, anyone else have this problem?!

Thanks and I promise no more baby name questions!! lol




  1. I love the name Ashlyn.

    My daughters middle name is Aislinn(pronounced the same way)

  2. i like ashlyn olivia better.. i dont think anyone will mispronounce it as ashley.. theres a N on the end (hehe)

    and even tho i think clara bell is also cute.. i think of CLEAR bell.. ? maybe its just me tho haha

  3. If you cant name her Isabella, which is also one of my favorites, you could go with Gabriella. This way she could still be gabi bri ella elle belle or bella. trust me i know gabriellas that go be every one of these nicknames. I love all these nicknames

  4. Sadie Bell!!

    Ashlyn Gail (short for your name)

    Olivia Gail

  5. I like Clara Bell the best. I also love the name Anna Bell! It's so cute. I think Bella as a first name is pretty also. Rylee is really cute. I like that name for a little girl a lot.  

  6. I like the name  Ashlyn Olivia its very pretty.

  7. I like Clara Bell, but fyi, Clarabell is a real name that is used on many people (also, Clarabelle). I think that's the best choice. Otherwise, I prefer Reagan to Ashlyn.

    You may want to look at this page:

    I'm sure not many people willl have that association, but it's something to consider.

  8. I like Clara Bell much more then Ashlyn Olivia. But you do know that Clara Bell is a famous Disney character who is a cow. There is an ice cream company by that same name too.

    I really like Reagan Rylee. There is a creature in a book I read named Reagan and she rocked.

    Just my two cents.  

  9. gosh, tough...clara bell has such a nice ring and the "bell" part is so cute =)

  10. no offense, but Clara Bell sounds like the name of a cow

  11. I like Clara Bell better. Ashlyn is kinda common, but Olivia is a pretty good (first) and middle name.

  12. Clara Bell

    Clara is a pretty name, and not nearly as common as Ashlyn.

    btw, wasn't Clara Bell famous for something during the Civil War?

  13. i love Ashlyn it looks pretty cool....that is a cool name

  14. how about ashlyn bell or clara olivia

  15. I personally like Clara Bell. I have a relative who's name is Belle with an e and her dad always tells her she's the belle of the ball and calls her Princess Belle. I think it's really cute. I can see why you are so indecisive though. They are both such beautiful names! Good Luck!

  16. Clara Bell!  All the way, I love it!

  17. Unfortunately, I think Clara Bell, I automatically picture a trailer or a cow. I love the name Clara and I love Ashlyn Olivia...why not combine those somehow? Clara Ashlyn is nice. I like Ashlyn better than Ashley, too. I think Clara is more unique.

    What about Ashlyn Bella? or--Clarabella Ashlyn?

  18. Go with the first one(: Ashlyn Olivia sounds beautiful and glamorous in a way. I really like it. Clara Bell is cute too but I favor the other one more! Best of luck with your baby girl.

  19. Ashlyn Olivia.

  20. I like the name, Clara Bell, but I love the name, Ashlyn Olivia.

  21. In between Ashlyn Olivia and Clara Belle? Ashlyn Olivia definitely. I also like Rylee Olivia though. I like Kendal Rae, and Ashlyn Olivia or Rylee Olivia would go well with it. I hope picking a name won't trouble you for very much longer!  

  22. I love both names. I thought about Ashlyn for my daughter, but had a student with that name and couldn't get her out of my head. And I'm thinking about Clara for the one I'm expecting now (if it's a girl!). I'm not too keen on Clara Bell though. It seems like it should be one name. Good luck! I know how indecisive you can feel during pregnancy!

  23. Ashlyn Olivia

  24. I think Annabelle is beautiful! Arabelle is cute too. Claire would be a really cute middle name with either of them.  I don't like Clara Bell for a child.Clara Bell was a clown on an old tv show, and a cow on the Micky Mouse that is all I think of when I hear it.

  25. I love Ashlyn Olivia, it is different, but not totally crazy. Don't think twice it is a beautiful name for a little girl!!

  26. I love Ashlyn and the meaning in Gaelic is Dream

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