
One more day then i will test..........anyone else testing tomorrow?

by  |  earlier

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not a question. LOL just looking for support. im on clomid. and waiting for the 28th to test. LOL need support from anyone else testing tomorrow.

i do feel the period maybe..........just mild cramps and all that. so i am not in the "i think maybe its the month" i had that last month and dont want to do it again. so join me here and tell me if your spending the day on line........ thinking babies. hoping the day would just finish already. ha ha




  1. AF was supposed to arrive 26/27 Aug. I won;t be testing until Sat, cannot bear to see BFN. Been TTC for 9 mths now. Currently experiencing mild cramp on & off, bbs got a bit bigger & harder, just hope they are not PMS.

    I have been looking at Yahoo Answers & 2WW website all day 2 weeks ago (at work)... hope i won't get fired!!!!!

    Baby dust to all

  2. It is 4:45 am here and i can't sleep! I go in the am for my blood test to see if our 2nd attempt at ivf worked!  I also couldn't wait, so I cheated and got a BFP on an HPT! Not sure if I can trust the results thought.  I feel a little crampy too, but not as bad as when AF comes! I've been online for an hour now and I really don't think I'm getting back into bed!  Good luck with your test!

  3. I woke up at 4 am this morning needing to go to the bathroom, so I went ahead and waiting for results.  Kinda wishing I would have bought the more expensive test -- now I'll question whether the results are accurate....

  4. hey! me too,,, thinking babybabybaby,,,lol

      i don't think i will bother as i don't think i am,,,or maybe i just cant face looking at yet another bfn stick! i was having lots of symptoms but now I'm feeling better (just a weird virus i think?) i hate feeling pregnant nearly every month then getting bfn. ttc #3 but my partners 1st.   heyho,,,,,well good luck for tomorrow!

  5. heya hunni,

    well my af was due 2morrow and i went 2 bathroom this morning and wiped there was a little pinkish, watery "stuff" so I'm gutted. :(

    iv jus been again but nothing now so im confused, im tryin 2 be hopeful but im stuck at work and gonna be on line thinking babies, all im thinking about is how 2 tell my partner and how i wanna go home and hide away.

    sorry if i sound miserable. i wish u all the best.

    hope all ladies on here get a BFP soon xxxxx  

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