
One more day until LHC activation?

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they keep setting the countdown farther and farther back...will this date change in the next 24 hours?

are we going to survive?




  1. The LHC countdown was actually related to the first test the accelerator did. The date for the definite activation, when all the 6 machines will be working to study the proton beam colliding into lead ions; will be september 10th.

    And yes, we'll be alive. An EXPLODING star, has to be more or less 20 times bigger than the sun. The sun has more than several thousands times the mass of the earth. And the Hadron Collider will be working with small groups of atoms. If, IF, any kind of black hole would be created, it would indeed create an explosion... no bigger than that of a grenade or a couple kilos of gelamon (something like C4). Then it would collapse over itself, and travel to the past.

    2 scientists (I'd say alarmists, but well, they are investigators); said that Hawking's theory could fail and the black hole could stabilize and not travel to the past. What they don't tell, is that if Hawking's theory is wrong, then no black hole could be created ever, as that would be almost a myth.

    Believe me, all apocalyptic theories about the LHC use complex words so that common people won't understand the non-sense they're talking about.

    BTW, I'm not a doctor in physics or nothing like that. I'm a student of Geology, but I've done a little research on this subject, as I love "micro physics". If you're in University, in any career related to the Natural Sciences, look in internet. Wikipedia can be useful, also the CERN homepage. I'm sure you'll easily understand. And this is the explanation for non-scientists (and geek scientists also :P)

    I hope you read this and this is useful for you.

    Best regards,


  2. No LHC will not kill us.

    Even if they succeed in creating tiny (microscopic Black Hole) they will (a) not suck in everything around us and (b) evaporate rapidly.

    Consider this: If the sun were replace by a black hole of the same mass, the gravitational pull on the earth would NOT change, we would continue to orbit. Granted the lack of light would present a few problems, but we would not be sucked in.

    Chill out

  3. The worst possible scenario is that it doesn't work. The black holes it could possibly create won't be created for a couple more months when it is up to full power and they will be so small that they won't be able to attract a grain of sand, much less suck it in. And they will "evaporate" in less than a second. You have nothing to worry about.

    Black holes don't automatically have an infinite amount of gravitational pull. The gravitational pull of black holes are calculated the same way as the gravitational pull of a planet or a star... by their mass. And these black holes will have the mass of maybe a couple thousand atoms. Thats not even close to being close .......... to being close to enough gravitational force to attract anything, much less suck anything.

    To get something that could suck us in, it would have to have a much greater mass than the sun, and no Earth-based particle accelorator can do that!

  4. Yikes! Another conspiracy theory! No one is safe any more! Where can we hide from those crazy scientists??!! OH MY GAAAAAWWWWWDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!

  5. OMG DON'T YOU REALIZE!!!!!!! thats not whats gonna heppen, instead a portal to xen will be created and headcrabs and other half life related creatures will walk the earth!!!!! bagsey the HEV suit and Crowbar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  6. Well you know what i say.....take your micro black holes with a grain of salt and all that stuff.

  7. im sooooo excited !

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