
One more question, why are so many people against Atheism?

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Just a Nobody - you say christians are just lovers. Why dont you say that to the guy who started a fight with me at school or the alter boy at a concert stomping a kids face into the ground purposely. yah. we all have fight and hate and love in us




  1. I think people just get upset about all the lies and twisting of verses that athiests do. There are athiests here that do wall to wall Christian bashing when they are on.

  2. A lot of athiests hate religious people who haven't done anything.  It's just the way people are.

  3. I think Christians get irritated because they (atheists, that is) want to legislate their beliefs, and teach them to our children in the classroom. They want to take down our sacred symbols, rather than make room for the sacred symbols of others, as many Christians would be willing to do. Sometimes it seems as if they just won't be satisfied until everyone thinks just the same way that they, while all the while touting themselves as "free thinkers" to the exclusion of anyone else.

    Of course, not *all* atheists are like that.

    Just the ones that want to shove their beliefs down our throats (see my edit below)

    And, let me tell you, Hun, they pretty much leave Wicca alone (for now, anyway) because there aren't that many of you, and they don't feel threatened by you. (And why should anyone feel threatened by Wicca? Aren't you guys mostly harmless??

    They tend to pick more on Christians because they feel overwhelmed by our numbers. The common belief is that Christians are in the majority, believe it or not. But they really needn't worry. I don't think there are nearly as many of us as they imagine...

    Besides, our own prophecy says that "it is given unto the beast to make war with the saints and overwhelm them"...beast=them, saints=us. In other words, we won't be around much longer, anyhow.

    (Of course, if you've skipped ahead to the end of the Book, you know that we aren't really "defeated", just waiting for the next act in the drama before the final curtain falls...

    OH, and just so that you know, I do know some "nice" atheists.

    I've also met some Wiccans who aren't all  that "nice"...for instance, when I lived in Phoenix, Az, there were some Wiccan kids in the neighborhood who decided that they were going to get rid of all the Christians in the area....they were going to do a "spell" on us that would make us leave. I don't know the entire "spell", but it involved digging up some Indian graves and sprinkling the dirt around our doorways where we'd have to walk through it.

    I dunno, but from the stench the next morning, I think they may have dug up a body or two while they were at it.

    Most of us had no idea what was going on until they got "busted" seems one member of the "coven" caved in to parental pressure...and the adults in the group faced some serious charges (turns out that defacing a graveyard, even an Indian graveyard, is a felony. Well, who knew, right?), while some of the kids went to "juvenile detention".

    Needless to say, none of us moved out. Most of the original bunch still lives in that same neighborhood, although some of us did leave....years later. I'd bet my last "Jesus fish" bumper sticker that if someone dumped a load of graveyard dirt (plus whatever else they did to stink the neighborhood up so badly) in an atheist's yard, the results wouldn't be all that friendly...what do you think??


    For instance, check out "Void"s answer up^there. Doesn't he just sound full of love for all Christians everywhere? He's the wise old grandfather, and I am the ignorant child, right? Of course, you can't see me giggling....

    Personally, I don't really mind if he wants to compare me to a child unwilling to give up her security blanket. The only emotion I really have with folks like him is pity, not "hate"...hating someone takes too much energy, to tell the truth.

    Next, we have a shining example of atheism...WC, up there. Don't you admire his restraint? Isn't his language charming?

    Of course, you can't see me sticking my finger down my throat, or hear the retching noises I am making...

    And these are just a couple of examples.

    Now, imagine that these guys were directing their remarks at Wiccans. Suppose it were your Goddess they were comparing to a "skypixie)....

    Would you still come on all warm and cuddly...or would you be just a tad irritated, d'ya think??

    Wouldn't surprise me at all if, one morning, they woke up to a trememdous stink, and found their yard full of grotty looking dirt...

    nor would I blame you, Hun!!!!

    My own reaction is to pray...first for myself, to comport myself as a respectable child of God...and then for them...that they might learn to live in peace with others.

    But sometimes a bit of graveyard dirt does sound tempting, eh??

  4. Would feeling sorry for them be considered "against them"?

    GOD bless

  5. Psa 14:1 [[To the chief Musician, [A Psalm] of David.]] The fool hath said in his heart, [There is] no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, [there is] none that doeth good.  

  6. Whatever. You must just checked in here.

    You can't ask a question out here that's biblical without an Atheist jumping in with a scathing remark.

    Have you been watching?

    This morning one guy said I'm Atheist Bring it on" . He was obviously looking for a fight.

    The Christian response was Christ like.

    We love you.

    We have no problem with you.

    Nobody wants to fight you.

    Yahoo ended up deleting the question.

    The true Christians aren't fighters of people we are lovers. Secondly, our battle isn't with flesh and blood, our adversary is Satan.

    To Gabe: I said TRUE Christians are lovers and not fighters of people. I am sorry for your problems you experienced with those bullies. The Bible says you shall know them by thier fruits. You recongnize a tree by it's fruit. These people were not acting like christians and if they were God will judge them as well.

    Furthermore, Atheists rallied at an Isaac Hayes vigil with signs and yelling and rude remarks yesterday. They literally scared families away. The signs had obsenties and profanity on them. This door swings both ways.

    God Bless.........

  7. I think people are afraid of what they don't understand.  

  8. Because education, intelligence and critical thinking represent a threat to the mindless comfort of religious dogma.

    The reaction of the religious (especially Christians) to atheists is not unlike the reaction of a child to an adult who is trying to take its security blanket away.

  9. so many people?huh?who?where?is there another religious war coming up?are we due for another round of crusaders?im sikko religous nuts gonna kill me or my freinds or family!ill be ready!

  10. I have a hard time being against a non-belief.

  11. As a Christian myself, I would assume it is because of the majority's unwillingness to accept that some people just don't want to believe that there is some kind of greater power.

    They find it difficult to understand why somebody cannot share their love or peace or whatever other emotion they feel towards the thing that they feel it for, and yet they can easily accept when somebody disagrees over what sports team they support.

    I suppose maybe they just believe that their religion is too big a part of their life to let so many people waste by not sharing it. Speaking objectively of course.

    And then they can't just make them believe and take out what frustrations they have on the person, as if it were their own fault for not feeling the same.


  12. The concept of atheism is one that is against Spirituality, and is also a concept that is not based on a lack of evidence for ones belief other than denial of Spirituality.   Those who seek Truth and believe they have found it are reluctant to allow people to believe opposite what  they "think" is true.  So those who believe in Christianity tend to reject those who deny Spirituality.


  13. They don't understand it and they are caught up in their beliefs.

    It seems like that once you find out someone isn't the same of religion as you, you think of them differently.

  14. I don't view badly of them.  

  15. I believe it's just a general 'people' thing. It doesn't matter what group or family you belong to...  We are all, in the end, individuals with individual characteristics, some good, some not so...

    It's not nice, but ...

  16. It's not just Atheists, though. It's everything that's not their own beliefs. Atheists take the brunt, though, because it's not politically correct to hate people for having a "weird" religion.

  17. The established order almost always tries to suppress ideas that run counter to it's agenda. Take, for an ironic example, how the Jews persecuted Jesus (i.e. Christianity in its infancy).

  18. Because it says in their bible that atheists are fools and immoral. Many christians would be astonished when they know someone is atheist and say "But he is a good person".

  19. Im an athiest. Some people I meet like me until they find out my views on religion. Its bullshit. I probably have more morals than many of the christians. The people who wont be nice to someone because of their believes is ignorant. People need to understand each other and accept it. I dont understand their thinking. The feeling i get off many of those people i s that someone can go out and sleep with 50 people and treat other people like ****, but they a good person just because they go to church every sunday. But someone such as myself is a piece of **** just because i dont worship a god. Pssh. I could go on much longer but i dont think youd want to hear it.

  20. I think atheism don't believe there is a Superior being that I choose to call God. If atheism do not believe there is a Superior being why do they fight against it? If atheism always wants to debate if there is a God then they must believe there is a God. I understand atheism don't even believe in satan. Atheism vs Christianity? Why? Why is like a football game and there's a winner? Satan has been trying to put God down from the beginning of time and he has not won yet and he will never win. One day soon we ALL will stand before Jesus Christ not able to speak a word and be accountable for all we have done good and bad. I read a article of 4 physic in Germany that did not believe in God the only believed in sicence after studying that they had almost froze the speed of light they all began to see there IS a Superior being from what they had found didnt walk out of the water or came from a monkey they found CREATION !!  

  21. Atheists like to point out their view that religionists are irrational for believing in the unbelievable.  However, the atheist fails to grasp that they claim the irrational claim of knowing the unknowable.  The obvious  disingenuousness of their argument is contemptible.    

  22. The only religious groups I see really speaking out against atheism are the ones who believe in a literal h**l. They think atheists are being "tricked by Satan" and that is why they don't see "the truth." They believe they are doing God's work by telling them about Him.

  23. Some people can't wrap their minds around the fact that goodness does not necessarily come from religion.  

  24. They have done nothing wrong really? When good is called evil, and evil is called good, it is normal to feel totally upset. But it is better to express it in a respectful way.

  25. Some people fail to see how we could be moral without their god. It saddens me.

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