
One more question, why do cats and dogs gain weight after being neutered?

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my weenie dog and one of my cats, both neutered, gained alot of weight after being neutered, why does this happen?




  1. You won't like my answer, but if you don't feed them as much, they cannot gain weight.  All my cats are spayed, and none have gained weight (and they are free fed).

    Perhaps I have been lucky, as it is impossible to ration the food with the number of cats I have.  But if you have only one or two, cutting back on the amounts, and cutting out the high calorie treats is the approach that works.

  2. Their metabolism changes.Neutered pets need less calories and special food for neutered ones.Or light food.And more exercise,cause neutered ones get a bit lazier.

  3. They have less of a metabolic need since they're not having to upkeep their sperm and the like.  So they need less food.  But since you guys didn't decrease their food, they ate what you gave and overate and gained weight.  

    NONE of my pets has ever gained weight after a spay/neuter.  And since that has been echoed by many other pet owners, it basically falls to blame on the owners not adjusting food requirements.

    edit:  Heh. .. if altering them makes them have less energy I'd hate to see what my animals not-altered would be like.  :P  Literally, all of my animals have had an excess of energy if anything, and altering them has never changed that.

  4. Not all cats gain weight after being neutered/spayed.  What happens is that because they have the source of their s*x hormones removed (uterus in female, spermatic cord cut and tied, testicles removed in males), they no longer have the hormones that give them their s*x characteristics.  Because of this, both males and females will slow down physically, and if they don't get exercise, of course they're going to gain weight.  But because they aren't as energetic (typically), they can become more sedate because they usually become more affectionate, and just want to spend time with their owners.  Many people believe that once they're neutered/spayed, and their cats aren't as energetic, that they don't have to exercise them anymore.  You should still engage them in active play where they can run around and get aerobic exercise.  By doing this, they will not gain weight.  While you don't want to give your cat all the food he/she wants, you should not restrict it so much that they are always hungry.  This is unhealthy, and can lead to a potentially fatal disease called hepatic lipidosis.  Instead, feed them what is correct for their weight.  If you free feed, you shouldn't adjust anything, because they should have food available all day.  If you feed moist food, feed them what is adequate for your cat's weight.  A good way to tell if your cat is too heavy or too skinny, is if you can see and feel the ribs, the cat is too skinny.  If the sides of the abdomen stick out beyond the front legs, then the cat is too heavy.  In between these 2 extremes is just right.  

  5. maybe its because they have nothing to do and they have no reason to spray i dont really know

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