
One more question I want to ask

by Guest60142  |  earlier

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Please no-one finds this funny do they?

I just don't find it funny that children are being molseted. I want people to care again. Like they used to why is this ok?

Why is it a funny joke? It's a big joke for everyone to laugh at.




  1. who is laughing?  I think just about everyone cares about this.  

  2. I don't find that sort of cartoon humor very funny, I find it's insulting and horrible. It degrades young woman and children whose parents are sick to think molesting their own children is acceptable because their daughter is pretty.

    Or that s*x starved woman are hungry for s*x in the bushes. I have friends in the media who write web blog who protst thsi very things, images that degrade women in the media. Their web site address is listed below. I perosnally know Jennifer Pozner and Gloria Feldt and will pass along this information to them or feel free to make a comment on their web blogs and voice your dismay about how the media degrades women and children, Thank you. xoxoxo

  3. LMAO... that was hilarious.... and that too in good sprit

    and obviously it ain't promoting child abuse and molestation, i can't understand why is it being perceived only that way, Infact its a great idea to get the message across to a much larger audience in a light hearted way. One needn't always make a funeral out of a serious issue. Hence i like that other perspective.


  5. this is not funny at all!

    this is sick, disturbing, terrible, disgusting

    i cant believe people would print this

  6. I agree with all the people above! Those jokes are sick and not appropriate at all! Horrible... nothing to joke about!

    People can be soo immature and brainless sometimes! eww.


  7. thats not funny at all.

    thats horrible..

  8. I think it is really trying to elicit a strong reaction from the people who see it and is being as obscene as possible in order to do so..I think the brain behind these ones is one of juvenile idiocy

  9. Not funny, I can't believe they were actually in a magazine.

  10. That's exactly what the background writing says ~ those cartoons are horrible and mock the real abuse many children suffer.

    The truly nasty thing is, Flynt is well aware of this.

    Cheers :-)

  11. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww digusting!!!

  12. hope she bites that hot dog hard.

    no it's not funny....normally like the s*x comics...but kids are off limit.  

  13. Totally whacked out disgusting.  I want to vomit.  How can anyone hurt their child or even publish a joke on it?  

  14. This is sick and NOT a bit funny. I do not know how you found this. Yuck~!!!!! This is a swear word if I ever saw one!!!!!    

    I agree with you. People do not care about what is going on all over the net. Children are exposed to adult perverts and no one does anything about it.

  15. I thought Hustler was lowbrow already, but THIS? Why haven't they been silenced yet?

  16. No rational human being could find paedophilia or child molestation funny or acceptable or anything other than utterly disgusting.

    These things came from Hustler Magazine when "Chester the Molestor" was just a silly thing that people didn't pay attention to, waaayy before the internet was launched and there was such a huge surge in crime against children.  I never found that stuff amusing, but it's a dead issue in the current era.  No one finds this sort of thing amusing (unless they're totally mental) and no one would publish this sort of thing.

    In the context of the period when this sort of thing was published, people really weren't keen to how rampant violence and paedophilia were.  Nowadays, it's such a dead issue that no reasonable person could find any humour in this sort of thing.

  17. No one with half a brain or an ounce of compassion would find that kind of thing funny.

    You are not weird.  But we live in a weird world in which children are sexualised and some men seem to think it's OK to assault people.

    Fortunately most men would never molest a child.  But I find it worrying that so-called jokes about assault can be published in men's media without dozens of men complaining about it.  We need men to stand up for their ethics.

  18. You're not weird. It's in very poor taste to make light of a child be robbed of their innocence. It's even more heinous to be molested by an adult they should be able to trust completely. ♥ ∞

  19. I don't find it funny. I never have and never will either. It's an epidemic in this world today. It's a very hard thing to take control of to stop this from happening once and for all.

  20. They aren't the least bit funny, and you are not wierd. Someone hurt you, and you are still dealing with the fact that they trashed your life because of their own sickness.

  21. It's sick, sick, sick.  There is nothing funny in this.  It is extremely disturbing and sadly far too common to even begin to comprehend any way it may be humorous in any way.

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