
One more question please answer!!?

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okay i have been replacing chips and that stupid stuff with only apples. is this good? i dont like any other fruit and i like veggies for like dinner not for snacking on. and i have no clue what to be eating for breakfast lunch and dinner? any help. and i cant be making a 5 star meal so any help? and any tips for just losing weight in general and what if im thirsty but im not in the mood for water i need a lil flavorr! slimfast? im 13




  1. i could have it confused with something else that has a similar name, but i think vitamin water is essentially gatorade. which is better than drinking soda i guess, but it's still pretty sugary. go for Propel or something that uses artificial sweetener if youre looking for flavored water, then it doesnt have the sugar content

  2. for a drink, try vitamin waterr. youll probably like it.=] and u can get it at most of ur local grocery stores like walmart.

  3. Drinks-

    Vitamin Water


    Lipton Green Tea



    Granola Bars

    Granola Cereal


    Special K Cereal


    I suggest a light lunch

    Something maybe including

    Fruits and Veggies

    A sandwhich

    Or a Subway sandwhich


    Let this be the meal you look forward to

    Eat one of your favorite foods

    I suggest you start a diet that involves about 2000 calories a day

    Thats what my mom told me


    I suggest you start walking

    and Running

    or exercising

  4. Think outside the box, babe.

    Try some new fruits and vegetables, and who knows - you just might find something you love. (F&V's are ALWAYS a better choice than chips, by the way, so good for you!)  And try taking your vegetables into the breakfast/lunch.snack realm... they're great!  (My breakfast is scrambled tofu with lots of sauteed veggies... mushrooms, onions, peppers, and tomato... YUMMY!)

    If you're trying to lose weight, your best bet is to get active... join a sports team or a running/walking club.  In terms of diet, just cut the sugar and processed foods and opt for whole fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.  Nobody ever got fat off of fruits and veggies.

    As for drinks... I'm a water-pusher.  I used to be hooked on coffee and Crystal Light.  About a year ago, I cut out the soda and juice and aspartame, and started carrying a full water bottle everywhere... now, I don't even WANT coffee or soda, and I can't stand the taste of Crystal Light.  Give it a chance... before long, you'll prefer water to anything else.

    Best of luck, hon!!

  5. First of all, rock on for wanting to make a lifestyle change! When I'm thirsty for a pop, I always reach for a diet of some sort or try sparkling water. At our local Walmart they have cheap sparkling water with the flavor or berry or white grape etc. With the carbonation, you have no idea that you are drinking water. Also the new thing out, are these "on-the-go" powder packets. They go in a water bottle. I have seen them in Crystal Light, Kool Aid (go sugar free, can't tell the difference), Power Aid etc.

    Snacks: apples (good job), try throwing some grapes in the freezer (tastes like popsicles), baked pretzels, 100 calorie packs (there are a ton of choices), rice cakes etc.

    Breakfast: try egg whites or egg substitues, turkey bacon, turkey sausage (good stuff), oatmeal etc.

    Lunch: salads, turkey sandwich, change white bread to light wheat bread, tuna salad, etc.

    Supper: hamburgers-change to turkey or veggie burgers, salads, pork loin, turkey breast, etc.

    Just have fun with it. Don't make it into a "diet", because it will never work. This is a lifestyle change and it doesn't mean you can't ever have "cheat" days. Changing your food is a must, but also increase your daily activities. Go for a walk, get involved with a class at your local Y, work outside etc.

  6. Just eat healthy!  DONT drink Vitamin Water (like the 1st answerer said) it's filllllllled with sugar and will NOT help you lose weight!! Just take multivitamins and you'll get your vitamins without gross sugar.

    YES! Replacing chips with apples is FANTASTIC!  Keep it up! ;)  

    Easy dinners could be veggie burgers (try without the bun & a biiiig mixed sald if you're trying to lose weight)

    Steam-Fresh bag of Veggies with some chickpeas (SO easy!)

    Shirataki Noodles (Tofu noodles which taste JUST like real pasta, yet don't have the bad nutritonal value!! @ Whole Foods) with annnnything you would usually have with pasta

    SOUP! There are a lot of reaaaally good Veg soups out there! And you don't even have to go to specialty stores (like Whole Foods or Wild Oats) to get them!  try Amy's Chilli! It's AMAZING!

    OH! don't even get me started on Amy's Foods!! This brand is INCREDIBLE!!!! They have frozen dinners, (which, okay, aren't ALWAYS the best choice) soups, pizzas, burritos, snacks, poptarts... SO MUCH! Just read the nutritional facts & use your judgement to see what's good for you.

    & remember... EXERCISE! Even if it's only 30 minutes a day... even that is better than nothing!

    And don't do SlimFast.. it's overrated.  And it's got grossyyy milk products in it (I don't know if you're a vegan or not, but I am & I don't approve of anything with milk!!)

    GOod luck!!

  7. Is that mean you only eat meat, meat, meat, just meat all these while. No, be practical. Just get rid of the small portion of meat from your plate, increase the portion of veggies, fruits instead. Eventually, you would learn much to be a real vegetarian.

  8. Apples are waaay better than chips. Are you sure you don't like other fruit? mangoes, pineapple? hard to slice, but heaven in a smoothie...

    lemon or lime juice in your water. Add a little sweetener if you must, at least you're getting your water.

    Slimfast is entirely too much sugar, but don't use sugar replacement... when people go off diet soda, they lose (on average) 16 pounds! You don't need a liquid meal replacement, you need real food. Whole grain, nuts, fruit, vegetables, beans. (weight loss tip- buy raw nuts. Not quite as yummy and salty, but with less salt, you don't retain water as much and are less bloated)

    If you eat the apples with their skins, you get enough fiber that it takes almost as many calories to digest them as was in the apple itself- so eat up, and be full, so you won't want junk food. (carrots are this way, too)

    And hey- you're doing this right- get healthy first, lose weight later. You're replacing bad food with good food, not just quitting bad food. And by learning how to do that when you're 13, you're gonna be a georgous, healthy teenager!

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