
One more time people who are against homeschool why and why not....?

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okay im definitly not against it what i am against is trying to shelter ur kids from every little thing as uve probly herd i was homeschooled for 4 years and im now baq in school by my own chocie see i was lucky my mom let me make wat choice i wanted and...she has never sheltered me from the world she has always worked i have always been on my own but as i was saying some parents such as my aunt homeschools her kids and she shelters them from every single thing for example she comes to my house and sees my and my cousins hanging out with girls and the next day shes telling all my other frinds parents that i and the girls were having s*x doing drugs and drinking only 1 thing there is true ....but i do belive kids have to learn life on theyre own sure im a Christian and my mom has always taught me Christian stuff thats awesome every parent should do that but still kids have to learn how to survive the world on their own,,wich is totally misunderstood is that most homeschool parents let..




  1. your parents did a crappy job home schooling you, your grammar sucks! But I am neutral I think that there are great things about each.

  2. WOW! um, yea about "i and the girls were having s*x doing drugs and drinking only 1 thing there is true" which one is true? s*x? DRUGS? DRINKING? . I am a homeschooler and I am not "sheltered" I am part time public school and I do a lot of things by my self as in no mommy to tell me what to do. s*x DRUGS AND DRINKING is just WRONG! No sheltering required.

    And I thought my writing was horrible, just to let you know my brain hurts. GOODJOB

  3. Ok, I think I know which of the 3 things you were actually doing.  Do you always go on and on about stuff like this?  (Every thing I say is said with a smile.)

    Anyway,  I also gave my son choice of going back to public school or remaining home schooled.  I don't think I over protect my son.  So, what was your question?

  4. One person responded: " its best for the children to see the outside world&fun to mix with other of their age &to make friends with &enjoy their lets them learn to adjust with other children ,find joy in the trainin &learnin with joy, adjust to regular timings&kno of different culture ,language&races "

    I whole-heartedly agree. It's nice that homeschooling can offer this. Admittedly, our timing may not be super regular, but everything else is a part of our homeschooling.

    People will believe what they want to believe. Not to mention, I think there are a whole lot of people suffering from perseverative thinking--the inability to see something from a different angle once you've got one thought in your mind. Whether it's from personal experience with homeschoolers who were sheltered or just their own conception of what homeschooling means, they've got this faulty idea and are mentally unable to change it. It's actually a common symptom of learning disabilities, ADD/ADHD, anxiety disorders and more. One source actually said it was "central to many psychological disorders".

  5. its best for the children to see the outside world&fun to mix with other of their age &to make friends with &enjoy their lets them learn to adjust with other children ,find joy in the trainin &learnin with joy, adjust to regular timings&kno of different culture ,language&races

  6. Most are against it because they are ignorant, feel they are dumb or are union teachers worried about their jobs.

  7. how many times are you going to ask this question???

  8. high school was one of the best experiences of my life..I'm just now starting college and I have so many memories and friendships! That's not to say that a home schooled child wouldn't have these same things..but I was neighbors with a girl my age who was home schooled and she was constantly struggling to make friends and she was alittle upset about missing certain high school prom.

    BUT..I think homeschooling in middle school and younger would actually be more influential to a child but I would HIGHLY suggest not homeschooling in high school!

  9. Your "question" is hard to read. It gives me a headache. It doesn't matter if you are just on the internet or writing an essay for school, you should always do your best.

    Anyway, don't judge all homeschoolers by one example, such as your aunt. We don't all "overprotect, " but I cant say I would let my kids do any of the three things your aunt was talking about. Apparently you where "only doing one." Hummmm...

    Going to get an asprin....

  10. I couldnt read everything you wrote...but my daughter is 17 months old and I can't wait to homeschool her! We are very compassionate and open minded people and it is important to us that she views everyone as equals...I want her to be exposed to other cultures and beliefs and be OK with it..

    In a public school her views on other cultures and belifs can become warped by what teachers and other students you can say I'm sheltering all you want...But I want her to see things for how they really are...and not some middle aged POd teachers views...

  11. The same parents that shelter their children in homeschool, would most likely do the same if their children were in public school. There is some sheltering that needs to happen. I do not wish to have my 10 year old daughters head filled with thoughts of boyfriends, s*x, drugs, alcohol and parties. Sadly that is what happenes in public school. We cannot dump the world in our childrens lap and expect them to make a responsible choice when they are so young and immature and public school children have "peer pressure". I will NEVER enroll my children into public school no matter how much they want it. The same way I would not take my 16 year old to get a tattoo, buy alcohol for her and her friends, allow her to have s*x in my house knowingly----no matter how much she may want it. I am the parent and I get to make the choices and I have my childrens best interest at heart. There are freedoms you get as a child, many children have way too many freedoms. The 1st answere talked about being in the real world, as if public school children are in the real world. They leanr how to relate with people their own age and thats it. My children make a menu from a recipe book, make a grocery list and we go shopping for the things they need for their dinner and all along the way they stop and chat with many, many adults. They are not shy or under socialized. There is a good form of sheltering and of course a bad. We are not hermits who stay locked up and only peek out every so often. We are very much so a part of society, daily. I have the opportunity to teach my children our family morals, ethics and culture and not some kid cursing like a sailor who watched an "R" rated movie and wants to tell my kid all about it.

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