
One more time---what were the Bush Tax Cuts for?

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Please explain why the Bush Administration's failures should go on

The Lie, #1...We were told that they would reduce unemployment, because it would free up the money of the wealthy who would then create more jobs.

The Fact: Unemployment was over 6% when they were passed. Four years later unemployment reached a low of 4.4%, but now have gone back up to 5.5% and are projected to exceed 6% by the end of the year.

The Lie, #2: Giving more money to the wealthy would increase production, and with more jobs being created, there would be more revenue to the governmnet in the form of other taxes.

The FACT: The budget will reach a projected deficit of $482 billion, this is a RECORD. When Clinton took office, the deficit was approximately 68% of the GNP, and was lowered to 58% using the "pay as you go" program. Bush's spending has sent the deficit back up to a projected 68% once again, and by the end of the year will be above 70%.

Why is it that these tax cuts should be permanent?




  1. The Bush tax cuts were to make the wealthiest of Americans wealthier and to eliminate the middle-class.  The country better wake up before the tax cuts do all their damage to most of us . . .

  2. Study economics if you don't know.

  3. Just more mis information, half truths and lies, we all know "trickle down economics" do not work.  They did not work for Ronnie, they did not work for DADDY, and they sure as h**l did not work for the incompetent one either.  Therefore they should NOT be made permanent.

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