
One nap a day?

by Guest33966  |  earlier

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My son is 16m old and has been taking two naps a day still. Once in a while he takes one a day. My question is, today he went down at 12:15 right after lunch. He usually only sleeps 1 - 1 1/2hours. So basically he will only get one nap today. When should he go to bed? Usually between 8-9 but thats with two naps. What time do I want to move this nap to? 1? 12:30? I guess what I'm asking is when is the usual time for the one nap a day? And how do I know its time to change to one nap? I'm a SAHM so its not like we have to be up to be anywhere early. Even tho he does wakeup early.




  1. It may be time for him to start taking one nap, it's really trial and error with kids. You should lay him down in what is the middle of your day...make sure there's not going to be anything to wake him up prematurly like loud sounds. Let him sleep until he wakes, then I would say lay him down a good 6-7 hours from the time he wakes up. Good Luck!

  2. Naps mean they won't sleep at night.

  3. I would highly reconmend one nap a day. After lunch is usually the best time to put your child down. So say around  12:15 - 12:30. Once your son gets used to the one nap a day sechdule he will most likely start sleeping for a good two hours give or take just a little. if your son gets used to this nap sechdule, which will take a few days he will most likely be ready for bed around 7:30 or 7:45 at the latest.

    This sound work out for you well..

    Good Luck

  4. My twins are 22 months old, they wake-up at 7 am, take a one hour nap at 12 pm, and go back to sleep for the niaght at 7 pm

  5. let it be

  6. i think its depends on the child and how consitint u are with the one nap. u could always try different thing each day and if it doesnt work try another time the next day. i always put my son down at 12;30 about on 1/2 hour after lunch so his stomach is settled. but every baby is different and he will tell u if he is tired and when he wants to be put down for bed and for a nap.

  7. ususally 2 naps at his age is to many espically if he is going to bed at 8. one nape is fine between 12:30 and 1 and a hour and a half is fine. his bed time at 8 is good too. unless you want him to sleep later then you should push his bed time down to 8:30.

  8. I'm a nanny for a now 18 month old, and we've been putting him down for one nap a day since 12 months. I put him down around noon, and he sleeps about 2 hours. Sometimes it takes him an hour to fall asleep, sometimes he sleeps 3 hours. Sometimes it takes him an hour to fall asleep and then he sleeps 3 hours. lol. His bedtime is currently about 9pm, but we basically put him to bed when he starts to act tired. He wakes up usually about 7am in the morning.

  9. Let him nap between 1-2 pm, its healthy and proven so in a book i read
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