
One night stand with a good guy friend help?!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my guy friend we slept together I lost my virginity to him, he has a long distance girlfriend though he claim he love her,but had s*x with me any way I started to get emotional and he feel real bad and scare but we still remain friends because we work together anyway I needed a ride so he came and pick me up but when I told

him that I want him to drop me of at a house party he said he care for me and will not let me go because I never been to a house party before and he said that alot of bad things can happen so we kinda augre for 2 hours and I told him that I want s*x he said that we will talk about this some other time and do it some other time, I got mad because I got turn down by him and he never turn me down so how do I make him want to go out with me again where we can still have s*x and be friend with no ackwardness involved ?




  1. hmm, well if you just have s*x with no relationship you WILL get attached since you're already getting somewhat emotional.  listen to him when he says you guys will talk about things because thats what you need to do.  if you havwent even been to a house party then it just shows you're not mature enough to be having s*x.  sit down with him and find out what you both want from each other and make it clear.

  2. Wow! Some guys have all the luck!

    A girl ask him for casual s*x without commitment.

    And he still gets to keep his far away girl friend.

    But he turned down the offer!


    You know what you are doing him.

    You are trying to steal him from his girlfriend.

    He doesn't want to have s*x with you because he loves his girlfriend  and he doesn't want to cheat on her.

    You don't want him to be just your best friend.

    You want more...

    You want him to be your boyfriend.

    Well if its true you just want s*x with him... Why Him?

    There are hundreds of other guys out there who would like to bang you.

    You should have gone to that house party and meet other boys who could  bone you and at the same time care for you as a girlfriend.

    If you want him to remain as your best friend don't seduce him.

    If you want him to be your boyfriend exert more effort in seducing him.

    Your decision babe.

  3. well friends with benefits is hard to pull off without an emotional attachment, well for me anyway, I never had one for that reason. If he has a girlfriend, forget him, no telling how many other girls he's been with and you don't want to risk getting an STD or anything because of him. If anything play him and make him look like the fool haha.  

  4. dam he is commited 2 the long distance realtionship wow he mad werid its not gud 2 have long distance realtionships u sud talk 2 him

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