
One of my 5 1/2 week old puppies started foaming out the mouth??

by  |  earlier

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we have 6 puppies and today one of them started shaking really bad and he started to foam out of his mouth. It looked milky white. he seems a little tired or week but he was up and wagging his tail a few minutes ago. also, they have worms and we have been giving them worm medicine. could that be doing it?

please help!!! sorry its long




  1. Sounds like he may be having a low blood sugar episode.  Call your vet now!

  2. Take him to the vet.

  3. Call your vet right away.  Did you get the worm meds from your vet.

  4. When did you worm them? This is likely to be a seizure. After doing a bit of Googling I found a page in which a woman says she failed to worm her puppy at 2 weeks (as you are meant to), her puppy then had 7 seizures and consequently died. If not a seizure, shaking and foaming are symptoms of poisoning.

    Best idea is to take the puppy to the vets, good idea to take them all for check ups.]

    EDIT: I live in England so I don't know exactly what is sold in Walmart but I'm guessing, as it's a supermarket, that they don't sell de-wormers such as Drontal. Puppies need vets ASAP.

  5. Eek.  A pup this young should be taken to the vet immediately when exhibiting symptoms that are not normal.

    The foaming from the mouth makes me think poisoning.  The meds your giving, are they meant to be given to such young pups?  Where the prescribed by the vet?  Or do you self medicate?

    Shaking and weak along with foam from the mouth would freak the c**p out of me and I wouldn't hesitate rushing the pup to the vet.

    I wonder why we never hear the outcome of these kind of situations...

    I really would like to know what you do and what the results are.  

    Hopefully the pups life is not at stake.

    Have you read the contents?  Did you read about the possible side effects?

    You simply picked up something at Wal-Mart?

    I have never heard of worming at 2 weeks.  What kind of environment are people in that requires worming so early?

    And why would you give worming meds to a pup that hasn't even tested positive for having them?

    Vomiting isn't such a concern, but the combination of vomiting, shaking and lethargy is cause for concern.

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