
One of my brother hurt me and I feel that I cant ever speak to him again?

by Guest33921  |  earlier

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I once tried to take an overdose and he has gone around telling everyone about it just to spite and hurt me, I have vowed never to speak to him again but in the future what do I tell people when they ask me why we are not talking to one another?I know what I did was stupid and regret ever trying to do that to myself in the first place but I just felt that it wasn't his place to tell people as he always takes things out on me when he is feeling low in his life but this is the last straw!It's like h cares more about what hi friends think of hi than what his own family think of him.I know w2hat I did was stupid but he didn't have to do that especially just to shame my name in public, he's gone too far.




  1. People don't need to know your business. If they ask about your brother, just tell them the two of you don't get along. If they press for more information, say, "it's between (Bob) and me" and change the subject.  

  2. Well.

    You Brother cant just go around telling what you are doing..

    But you should never ever try to hurt yourself..

    But your brother was probably just worried about you!

    I think you should talk to him and see why he told everyone..

    I hope it helps!

  3. mmm Yeah That definitely Is NOT Your Brothers Place To Tell Other People !!

    O.k First of All Thats Your Problem To Sort Out ,,, And Your The Only One That Can Put What You Did Right.

    Well In The Future When People Ask You Why Your Not Talking To Your Brother Theres A Whole Load Of Options On What To reply ,,, You Could Tell Them That It's Something Complicated That Happened In The Past That Can't Be Put Right.

    O.k Your Brother Needs To Apologise To You , It's Not Gonna Be Like Oh O.k My Brothers Apologised To Me , All Forgotten, I know That But  Him Apologising To You Might At Least Help A Bit ,,,,?

    Is Your Brother Likely To Apologise Or Is He Just Plain Stubborn ?

    Because If he Doesn't Say Sorry To You Then He's the One That's Gonna Live The Rest of His Life In guilt,,,,Deep Down in His Heart He is Gonna be Ashamed Of What he Has Done.....

    To Be Honest That's All I can Say ...

  4. forget god, he's an under achieving waste of space if ever there was one. If you don't want to speak to him then don't. If anyone asks why let a look of thunder pass across your face and declare in a solemn voice "because he is a k**b". If you say it with enough underlying violence and ferocity no will ask any further questions.  

  5. How old is he? Sounds about six to me.

  6. Just tell that you don't get along.

  7. Wow

  8. I think the best thing you can do is go to your brother and talk about it, and find out why he feels he should be telling people your most private secrets. Maybe he is trying to get back at you for being selfish and wanting to take your life. He might be mad at you about the whole situation. I think you should apologize to him, and he should apologize to you as well. Communication is the best answer here, and you both just need to sit down and talk it over and forgive each other.

  9. ok

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